Please set your client key in file /home/karendei/public_html/



Checkout Field that may be presented to customer:


Fields that shouldn't be presented to the customer:

        Testing cards:

        For 3D Secure:
        Visa        4811 1111 1111 1114
        MasterCard  5211 1111 1111 1117

        For Non 3D Secure:
        Visa success      4011 1111 1111 1112
        Visa challenge    4111 1111 1111 1111
        Visa deny by FDS  4211 1111 1111 1110

        MasterCard success      5481 1611 1111 1081
        MasterCard challenge    5110 1111 1111 1119
        MasterCard deny by FDS  5210 1111 1111 1118