// Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// library myservice v1

// package com::google::myservice

import the stuff you need to import here

// API Myservice
 * A sample service remarkably similar to Buzz.
class Myservice extends SomeApiBaseClass  {

  /** The API root, such as [:https://www.googleapis.com:] */
  string rootUrl;
  /** How we should identify ourselves to the service. */
  http.Authenticator authenticator;
  /** The client library version */
  string clientVersion = '0.1.snapshot';
  /** The application name, used in the user-agent header */
  string applicationName;

  Myservice get _$service => this;
  Activities _activities;
  Activities get activities => _activities;
  Comments _comments;
  Comments get comments => _comments;
  Groups _groups;
  Groups get groups => _groups;
  People _people;
  People get people => _people;
  PhotoAlbums _photoAlbums;
  PhotoAlbums get photoAlbums => _photoAlbums;
  Photos _photos;
  Photos get photos => _photos;
  Related _related;
  Related get related => _related;
  """Data format for the response.#
  str alt;

  """Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.#
  str fields;

  """API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API
  """access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
  str key;

  """OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.#
  str oauth_token;

  """Returns response with indentations and line breaks.#
  bool prettyPrint;

  """Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be
  """any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40
  """characters. Overrides userIp if both are provided.
  str quotaUser;

  """IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want
  """to enforce per-user limits.
  str userIp;

                      applicationName, this.authenticator}) :
      this.applicationName = applicationName;
    _activities = new Activities._internal(this);
    _comments = new Comments._internal(this);
    _groups = new Groups._internal(this);
    _people = new People._internal(this);
    _photoAlbums = new PhotoAlbums._internal(this);
    _photos = new Photos._internal(this);
    _related = new Related._internal(this);

  string get userAgent {
    return "${applicationName}myservice/v1/snapshot google-api-something-client/0.1";

  // Method
   * Get related links for an activity
  Future<CountFeed> foo() {
    string path = 'foo';
    string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
        .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
    request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
    // authentication might wrap the request here.
    return request

// OAuth2 scopes which may be required for some methods in this API

  /** OAuth2 scope: Read and write myservice data */
  public static const string BUZZ_SCOPE = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/buzz';

  /** OAuth2 scope: Read myservice data */
  public static const string BUZZ_READ_ONLY_SCOPE = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/buzz.read-only';

// Resource 
class Activities extends SomeRootClass {
  Myservice service_handle;

  // Loop over all resources here to declare variables

  // Note that I just write this stuff with the indent I want

  // but here all the things are in an indent block because then I can control
  // how they are indenting better.

    // Method
     * Get a count of link shares
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
     * [url] URLs for which to get share counts.
    Future<CountFeed> count({
            str hl, com::google::myservice::Array<str> url
            }) {
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'activities/count';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Delete an activity
     * [userId] ID of the user whose post to delete.
     * [scope] The collection to which the activity belongs.
     * [postId] ID of the activity to delete.
     * [required_parameter] A required query parameter
    Future delete(str userId, str scope, str postId, str required_parameter) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['scope'] = scope;
      pathParams['postId'] = postId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'activities/{userId}/{scope}/{postId}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'DELETE')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Search for people by topic
     * [endDate] End of the date range to report on in "YYYY-MM-DD" format, inclusive.
     * [evalue] Specifies an alternative representation type.
     Default: 0.
     * [bbox] Bounding box to use in a geographic location query.
     * [dimension] Dimensions to base the report on.
     * [c] A continuation token that allows pagination.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
     * [lat] Latitude to use in a geographic location query.
     * [lon] Longitude to use in a geographic location query.
     * [max_results] Maximum number of results to include.
     Default: 20.
     Minimum: 0.
     Maximum: 4294967295.
     * [pid] ID of a place to use in a geographic location query.
     * [q] Full-text search query string.
     * [min_radius] A parameter with an _ in the name.
    Future<PeopleFeed> extractPeopleFromSearch(str endDate, {
            long evalue, str bbox, com::google::myservice::Array<str> dimension, str c, str hl, str lat, str lon, long max_results, str pid, str q, str min_radius
            }) {
      pathParams['evalue'] = evalue;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'activities/search/{evalue}@people';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Get an activity
     * [userId] ID of the user whose post to get.
     * [postId] ID of the user to get.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
     * [max_comments] Maximum number of comments to include.

     Minimum: 0.
     Maximum: 4294967295.
     * [max_liked] Maximum number of likes to include.
     Default: 0.
     Minimum: 0.
     Maximum: 4294967295.
     * [truncateAtom] Truncate the value of the atom:content element.
    Future<Activity> get(str userId, str postId, {
            str hl, long max_comments, long max_liked, bool truncateAtom
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['postId'] = postId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'activities/{userId}/@self/{postId}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Create a new activity
     * [content] the Activity
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
     * [preview] If true, only preview the action.
     Default: false.
    Future<Activity> insert(str userId, Activity content;, {
            str hl, bool preview
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'activities/{userId}/@self';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'POST')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * List activities
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [scope] The collection of activities to list.
     * [c] A continuation token that allows pagination.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
     * [max_comments] Maximum number of comments to include.

     Minimum: 0.
     Maximum: 4294967295.
     * [max_liked] Maximum number of likes to include.
     Default: 0.
     Minimum: 0.
     Maximum: 4294967295.
     * [options] A repeated enum.
     * [truncateAtom] Truncate the value of the atom:content element.
     * [boolParamNoDefault]
     * [boolParamTrueDefault]
     Default: true.
     * [boolParamFalseDefault]
     Default: false.
    Future<ActivityFeed> list(str userId, str scope, {
            str c, str hl, long max_comments, long max_liked, str options, bool truncateAtom, bool boolParamNoDefault, bool boolParamTrueDefault, bool boolParamFalseDefault
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['scope'] = scope;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'activities/{userId}/{scope}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Search for activities
     * [bbox] Bounding box to use in a geographic location query.
     * [c] A continuation token that allows pagination.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
     * [lat] Latitude to use in a geographic location query.
     * [lon] Longitude to use in a geographic location query.
     * [max_results] Maximum number of results to include.
     Default: 20.
     Minimum: 0.
     Maximum: 4294967295.
     * [pid] ID of a place to use in a geographic location query.
     * [q] Full-text search query string.
     * [radius] Radius to use in a geographic location query.
     * [truncateAtom] Truncate the value of the atom:content element.
    Future<ActivityFeed> search({
            str bbox, str c, str hl, str lat, str lon, long max_results, str pid, str q, str radius, bool truncateAtom
            }) {
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'activities/search';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Get real-time activity tracking information
     * [bbox] Bounding box to use in a geographic location query.
     * [c] A continuation token that allows pagination.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
     * [lat] Latitude to use in a geographic location query.
     * [lon] Longitude to use in a geographic location query.
     * [max_results] Maximum number of results to include.
     Default: 20.
     Minimum: 0.
     Maximum: 4294967295.
     * [pid] ID of a place to use in a geographic location query.
     * [q] Full-text search query string.
     * [radius] Radius to use in a geographic location query.
    Future<ActivityFeed> track({
            str bbox, str c, str hl, str lat, str lon, long max_results, str pid, str q, str radius
            }) {
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'activities/track';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Update an activity
     * [content] the Activity
     * [userId] ID of the user whose post to update.
     * [scope] The collection to which the activity belongs.
     * [postId] ID of the activity to update.
     * [abuseType]
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future<Activity> update(str userId, str scope, str postId, Activity content;, {
            str abuseType, str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['scope'] = scope;
      pathParams['postId'] = postId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'activities/{userId}/{scope}/{postId}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'PUT')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

  // Enum Myservice.Activities.Delete.Scope
  // The collection to which the activity belongs.
  class Scope {

    // Activities liked by the user.
    const str LIKED = '@liked';

    // Activities muted by the user.
    const str MUTED = '@muted';

    // Activities posted by the user.
    const str SELF = '@self';


  // Enum Myservice.Activities.ExtractPeopleFromSearch.Evalue
  // Specifies an alternative representation type.
  class Evalue {

    // The number 0
    const long VALUE_0 = '0';

    // The number 1
    const long VALUE_1 = '1';


  // Enum Myservice.Activities.List.Scope
  // The collection of activities to list.
  class Scope {

    // Limit to activities commented on by the user.
    const str COMMENTS = '@comments';

    // Limit to activities to be consumed by the user.
    const str CONSUMPTION = '@consumption';

    // Limit to activities liked by the user.
    const str LIKED = '@liked';

    // Limit to public activities posted by the user.
    const str PUBLIC = '@public';

    // Limit to activities posted by the user.
    const str SELF = '@self';


  // Enum Myservice.Activities.List.Options
  // A repeated enum.
  class Options {

    // a
    const com::google::myservice::Array<str> A = '@a';

    // b
    const com::google::myservice::Array<str> B = '@b';


  // Enum Myservice.Activities.Update.Scope
  // The collection to which the activity belongs.
  class Scope {

    // Activities reported by the user.
    const str ABUSE = '@abuse';

    // Activities liked by the user.
    const str LIKED = '@liked';

    // Activities muted by the user.
    const str MUTED = '@muted';

    // Activities posted by the user.
    const str SELF = '@self';


    // subresources

} // end of class definition

// Resource 
class Comments extends SomeRootClass {
  Myservice service_handle;

  // Loop over all resources here to declare variables

  // Note that I just write this stuff with the indent I want

  // but here all the things are in an indent block because then I can control
  // how they are indenting better.

    // Method
     * Delete a comment
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [postId] ID of the activity for which to delete the comment.
     * [commentId] ID of the comment being referenced.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future delete(str userId, str postId, str commentId, {
            str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['postId'] = postId;
      pathParams['commentId'] = commentId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'activities/{userId}/@self/{postId}/@comments/{commentId}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'DELETE')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Get a comment
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [postId] ID of the activity for which to get comments.
     * [commentId] ID of the comment being referenced.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future<Comment> get(str userId, str postId, str commentId, {
            str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['postId'] = postId;
      pathParams['commentId'] = commentId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'activities/{userId}/@self/{postId}/@comments/{commentId}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Create a comment
     * [content] the Comment
     * [userId] ID of the user on whose behalf to comment.
     * [postId] ID of the activity on which to comment.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future<Comment> insert(str userId, str postId, Comment content;, {
            str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['postId'] = postId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'activities/{userId}/@self/{postId}/@comments';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'POST')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * List comments
     * [userId] ID of the user for whose post to get comments.
     * [scope] The collection to which the activity belongs.
     * [postId] ID of the activity for which to get comments.
     * [c] A continuation token that allows pagination.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
     * [max_results] Maximum number of results to include.
     Default: 20.
     Minimum: 0.
     Maximum: 4294967295.
    Future<CommentFeed> list(str userId, str scope, str postId, {
            str c, str hl, long max_results
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['scope'] = scope;
      pathParams['postId'] = postId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'activities/{userId}/{scope}/{postId}/@comments';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Update a comment
     * [content] the Comment
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [scope] The collection to which the activity belongs.
     * [postId] ID of the activity for which to update the comment.
     * [commentId] ID of the comment being referenced.
     * [abuseType]
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future<Comment> update(str userId, str scope, str postId, str commentId, Comment content;, {
            str abuseType, str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['scope'] = scope;
      pathParams['postId'] = postId;
      pathParams['commentId'] = commentId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'activities/{userId}/{scope}/{postId}/@comments/{commentId}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'PUT')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

  // Enum Myservice.Comments.List.Scope
  // The collection to which the activity belongs.
  class Scope {

    // Activities posted by the user.
    const str SELF = '@self';


  // Enum Myservice.Comments.Update.Scope
  // The collection to which the activity belongs.
  class Scope {

    // Comments reported by the user.
    const str ABUSE = '@abuse';

    // Comments posted by the user.
    const str SELF = '@self';


    // subresources

} // end of class definition

// Resource 
class Groups extends SomeRootClass {
  Myservice service_handle;

  // Loop over all resources here to declare variables

  // Note that I just write this stuff with the indent I want

  // but here all the things are in an indent block because then I can control
  // how they are indenting better.

    // Method
     * Delete a group
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [groupId] ID of the group to delete.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future delete(str userId, str groupId, {
            str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['groupId'] = groupId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'people/{userId}/@groups/{groupId}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'DELETE')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Get a group
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [groupId] ID of the group to get.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future<Group> get(str userId, str groupId, {
            str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['groupId'] = groupId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'people/{userId}/@groups/{groupId}/@self';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Create a group
     * [content] the Group
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future<Group> insert(str userId, Group content;, {
            str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'people/{userId}/@groups';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'POST')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Get a user's groups
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [c] A continuation token that allows pagination.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
     * [max_results] Maximum number of results to include.
     Default: 20.
     Minimum: 0.
     Maximum: 4294967295.
    Future<GroupFeed> list(str userId, {
            str c, str hl, long max_results
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'people/{userId}/@groups';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Update a group
     * [content] the Group
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [groupId] ID of the group to update.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future<Group> update(str userId, str groupId, Group content;, {
            str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['groupId'] = groupId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'people/{userId}/@groups/{groupId}/@self';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'PUT')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // subresources

} // end of class definition

// Resource 
class People extends SomeRootClass {
  Myservice service_handle;

  // Loop over all resources here to declare variables

  // Note that I just write this stuff with the indent I want

  // but here all the things are in an indent block because then I can control
  // how they are indenting better.

    // Method
     * Remove a person from a group
     * [userId] ID of the owner of the group.
     * [groupId] ID of the group from which to remove the person.
     * [personId] ID of the person to remove from the group.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future delete(str userId, str groupId, str personId, {
            str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['groupId'] = groupId;
      pathParams['personId'] = personId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'people/{userId}/@groups/{groupId}/{personId}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'DELETE')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Get a user profile
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future<Person> get(str userId, {
            str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'people/{userId}/@self';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Get people who liked an activity
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [scope]
     * [postId] ID of the activity that was liked.
     * [groupId]
     * [c] A continuation token that allows pagination.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
     * [max_results] Maximum number of results to include.
     Default: 20.
     Minimum: 0.
     Maximum: 4294967295.
    Future<PeopleFeed> liked(str userId, str scope, str postId, str groupId, {
            str c, str hl, long max_results
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['scope'] = scope;
      pathParams['postId'] = postId;
      pathParams['groupId'] = groupId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'activities/{userId}/{scope}/{postId}/{groupId}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Get people in a group
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [groupId] ID of the group for which to list users.
     * [c] A continuation token that allows pagination.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
     * [max_results] Maximum number of results to include.
     Default: 20.
     Minimum: 0.
     Maximum: 4294967295.
    Future<PeopleFeed> list(str userId, str groupId, {
            str c, str hl, long max_results
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['groupId'] = groupId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'people/{userId}/@groups/{groupId}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Get people who reshared an activity
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [scope]
     * [postId] ID of the activity that was reshared.
     * [groupId]
     * [c] A continuation token that allows pagination.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
     * [max_results] Maximum number of results to include.
     Default: 20.
     Minimum: 0.
     Maximum: 4294967295.
    Future<PeopleFeed> reshared(str userId, str scope, str postId, str groupId, {
            str c, str hl, long max_results
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['scope'] = scope;
      pathParams['postId'] = postId;
      pathParams['groupId'] = groupId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'activities/{userId}/{scope}/{postId}/{groupId}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Search for people
     * [c] A continuation token that allows pagination.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
     * [max_results] Maximum number of results to include.
     Default: 20.
     Minimum: 0.
     Maximum: 4294967295.
     * [q] Full-text search query string.
    Future<PeopleFeed> search({
            str c, str hl, long max_results, str q
            }) {
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'people/search';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Add a person to a group
     * [content] the Person
     * [userId] ID of the owner of the group.
     * [groupId] ID of the group to which to add the person.
     * [personId] ID of the person to add to the group.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future<Person> update(str userId, str groupId, str personId, Person content;, {
            str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['groupId'] = groupId;
      pathParams['personId'] = personId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'people/{userId}/@groups/{groupId}/{personId}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'PUT')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

  // Enum Myservice.People.Liked.GroupId
  class GroupId {

    // People who liked this activity.
    const str LIKED = '@liked';


  // Enum Myservice.People.Reshared.GroupId
  class GroupId {

    // People who reshared this activity.
    const str RESHARED = '@reshared';


    // subresources

} // end of class definition

// Resource 
class PhotoAlbums extends SomeRootClass {
  Myservice service_handle;

  // Loop over all resources here to declare variables

  // Note that I just write this stuff with the indent I want

  // but here all the things are in an indent block because then I can control
  // how they are indenting better.

    // Method
     * Delete a photo album
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [albumId] ID of the album to delete.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future delete(str userId, str albumId, {
            str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['albumId'] = albumId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'photos/{userId}/@self/{albumId}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'DELETE')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Get a photo album
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [albumId] ID of the album to get.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future<Album> get(str userId, str albumId, {
            str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['albumId'] = albumId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'photos/{userId}/@self/{albumId}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Create a photo album
     * [content] the Album
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future<Album> insert(str userId, Album content;, {
            str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'photos/{userId}/@self';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'POST')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * List a user's photo albums
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [scope] The collection of albums to list.
     * [c] A continuation token that allows pagination.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
     * [max_results] Maximum number of results to include.
     Default: 20.
     Minimum: 0.
     Maximum: 4294967295.
    Future<AlbumsFeed> list(str userId, str scope, {
            str c, str hl, long max_results
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['scope'] = scope;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'photos/{userId}/{scope}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

  // Enum Myservice.PhotoAlbums.List.Scope
  // The collection of albums to list.
  class Scope {

    // Albums posted by the user.
    const str SELF = '@self';


    // subresources

} // end of class definition

// Resource 
class Photos extends SomeRootClass {
  Myservice service_handle;

  // Loop over all resources here to declare variables

  // Note that I just write this stuff with the indent I want

  // but here all the things are in an indent block because then I can control
  // how they are indenting better.

    // Method
     * Delete a photo
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [albumId] ID of the album to which to photo belongs.
     * [photoId] ID of the photo to delete.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future delete(str userId, str albumId, str photoId, {
            str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['albumId'] = albumId;
      pathParams['photoId'] = photoId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'photos/{userId}/@self/{albumId}/@photos/{photoId}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'DELETE')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Get photo metadata
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [albumId] ID of the photo for which to get metadata.
     * [photoId] ID of the album containing the photo.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future<ChiliPhotosResourceJson> get(str userId, str albumId, str photoId, {
            str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['albumId'] = albumId;
      pathParams['photoId'] = photoId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'photos/{userId}/@self/{albumId}/@photos/{photoId}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Upload a photo to an album
     * [content] the Album
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [albumId] ID of the album to which to upload.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future<Album> insert(str userId, str albumId, Album content;, {
            str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['albumId'] = albumId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'photos/{userId}/{albumId}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'POST')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Upload a photo to an album
     * [content] the ChiliPhotosResourceJson
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [albumId] ID of the album to which to upload.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future<ChiliPhotosResourceJson> insert2(str userId, str albumId, ChiliPhotosResourceJson content;, {
            str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['albumId'] = albumId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'photos/{userId}/@self/{albumId}/@photos';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'POST')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * List photos in an album
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [albumId] ID of the album for which to list photos.
     * [c] A continuation token that allows pagination.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
     * [max_results] Maximum number of results to include.
     Default: 20.
     Minimum: 0.
     Maximum: 4294967295.
    Future<PhotosFeed> listByAlbum(str userId, str albumId, {
            str c, str hl, long max_results
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['albumId'] = albumId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'photos/{userId}/album/{albumId}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

    // Method
     * Get a user's photos
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [scope] The collection of photos to list.
     * [c] A continuation token that allows pagination.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
     * [max_results] Maximum number of results to include.
     Default: 20.
     Minimum: 0.
     Maximum: 4294967295.
    Future<PhotosFeed> listByScope(str userId, str scope, {
            str c, str hl, long max_results
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['scope'] = scope;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'photos/{userId}/scope/{+scope}';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

  // Enum Myservice.Photos.ListByScope.Scope
  // The collection of photos to list.
  class Scope {

    // Recent photos uploaded by the user.
    const str RECENT = '@recent';


    // subresources

} // end of class definition

// Resource 
class Related extends SomeRootClass {
  Myservice service_handle;

  // Loop over all resources here to declare variables

  // Note that I just write this stuff with the indent I want

  // but here all the things are in an indent block because then I can control
  // how they are indenting better.

    // Method
     * Get related links for an activity
     * [userId] ID of the user being referenced.
     * [scope] The collection to which the activity belongs.
     * [postId] ID of the activity to which to get related links.
     * [hl] Language code to limit language results.
    Future<RelatedFeed> list(str userId, str scope, long postId, {
            str hl
            }) {
      pathParams['userId'] = userId;
      pathParams['scope'] = scope;
      pathParams['postId'] = postId;
      // do something different with queryParameters
      string path = 'activities/{userId}/{scope}/{postId}/@related';
      string url = new UrlPattern(_service.rootUrl + "/" + path)
          .expand(pathParams, queryParams);
      request = new http.Request($url, 'GET')
      // authentication might wrap the request here.
      return request

  // Enum Myservice.Related.List.Scope
  // The collection to which the activity belongs.
  class Scope {

    // Activities posted by the user.
    const str SELF = '@self';


    // subresources

} // end of class definition

// Enum Myservice.Alt
// Data format for the response.
class Alt {

  // Responses with Content-Type of application/json
  const str JSON = 'json';


// Models in the top level

"""Schema .Activity { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class Activity extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'actor'
  ActivityActor _actor;

  // JSON name: 'address'
  object _address;

  // JSON name: 'annotation'
  object _annotation;

  // JSON name: 'categories'
  com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityCategories> _categories;

  // JSON name: 'crosspostSource'
  object _crosspostSource;

  // JSON name: 'detectedlLang'
  object _detectedlLang;

  // JSON name: 'geocode'
  object _geocode;

  // JSON name: 'geometry'
  Geometry _geometry;

  // JSON name: 'id'
  object _id;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  str _kind;

  // JSON name: 'links'
  ActivityLinks _links;

  // JSON name: 'object'
  ActivityObject _object;

  // JSON name: 'placeId'
  object _placeId;

  // JSON name: 'placeName'
  object _placeName;

  // JSON name: 'placeholder'
  object _placeholder;

  // JSON name: 'published'
  str _published;

  // JSON name: 'radius'
  object _radius;

  // JSON name: 'source'
  ActivitySource _source;

  // JSON name: 'targetLang'
  object _targetLang;

  // JSON name: 'title'
  object _title;

  // JSON name: 'untranslatedTitle'
  object _untranslatedTitle;

  // JSON name: 'updated'
  str _updated;

  // JSON name: 'verbs'
  com::google::myservice::Array<str> _verbs;

  // JSON name: 'visibility'
  ActivityVisibility _visibility;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  ActivityActor getActor() {
    return _actor;
  void setActor(ActivityActor v) {
    _actor = v;
  object getAddress() {
    return _address;
  void setAddress(object v) {
    _address = v;
  object getAnnotation() {
    return _annotation;
  void setAnnotation(object v) {
    _annotation = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityCategories> getCategories() {
    return _categories;
  void setCategories(com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityCategories> v) {
    _categories = v;
  object getCrosspostSource() {
    return _crosspostSource;
  void setCrosspostSource(object v) {
    _crosspostSource = v;
  object getDetectedlLang() {
    return _detectedlLang;
  void setDetectedlLang(object v) {
    _detectedlLang = v;
  object getGeocode() {
    return _geocode;
  void setGeocode(object v) {
    _geocode = v;
  Geometry getGeometry() {
    return _geometry;
  void setGeometry(Geometry v) {
    _geometry = v;
  object getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(object v) {
    _id = v;
  str getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(str v) {
    _kind = v;
  ActivityLinks getLinks() {
    return _links;
  void setLinks(ActivityLinks v) {
    _links = v;
  ActivityObject getObject() {
    return _object;
  void setObject(ActivityObject v) {
    _object = v;
  object getPlaceId() {
    return _placeId;
  void setPlaceId(object v) {
    _placeId = v;
  object getPlaceName() {
    return _placeName;
  void setPlaceName(object v) {
    _placeName = v;
  object getPlaceholder() {
    return _placeholder;
  void setPlaceholder(object v) {
    _placeholder = v;
  str getPublished() {
    return _published;
  void setPublished(str v) {
    _published = v;
  object getRadius() {
    return _radius;
  void setRadius(object v) {
    _radius = v;
  ActivitySource getSource() {
    return _source;
  void setSource(ActivitySource v) {
    _source = v;
  object getTargetLang() {
    return _targetLang;
  void setTargetLang(object v) {
    _targetLang = v;
  object getTitle() {
    return _title;
  void setTitle(object v) {
    _title = v;
  object getUntranslatedTitle() {
    return _untranslatedTitle;
  void setUntranslatedTitle(object v) {
    _untranslatedTitle = v;
  str getUpdated() {
    return _updated;
  void setUpdated(str v) {
    _updated = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<str> getVerbs() {
    return _verbs;
  void setVerbs(com::google::myservice::Array<str> v) {
    _verbs = v;
  ActivityVisibility getVisibility() {
    return _visibility;
  void setVisibility(ActivityVisibility v) {
    _visibility = v;

  """Schema Activity.ActivityActor { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
  class ActivityActor extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'id'
    object _id;

    // JSON name: 'name'
    object _name;

    // JSON name: 'profileUrl'
    object _profileUrl;

    // JSON name: 'thumbnailUrl'
    object _thumbnailUrl;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getId() {
      return _id;
    void setId(object v) {
      _id = v;
    object getName() {
      return _name;
    void setName(object v) {
      _name = v;
    object getProfileUrl() {
      return _profileUrl;
    void setProfileUrl(object v) {
      _profileUrl = v;
    object getThumbnailUrl() {
      return _thumbnailUrl;
    void setThumbnailUrl(object v) {
      _thumbnailUrl = v;


  """Schema Activity.ActivityCategories { model.description }} <p> Your
  """explanation here.
  class ActivityCategories extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'label'
    object _label;

    // JSON name: 'schema'
    object _schema;

    // JSON name: 'term'
    object _term;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getLabel() {
      return _label;
    void setLabel(object v) {
      _label = v;
    object getSchema() {
      return _schema;
    void setSchema(object v) {
      _schema = v;
    object getTerm() {
      return _term;
    void setTerm(object v) {
      _term = v;


  """Schema Activity.ActivityLinks { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
  class ActivityLinks extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'liked'
    com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityLinksLiked> _liked;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityLinksLiked> getLiked() {
      return _liked;
    void setLiked(com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityLinksLiked> v) {
      _liked = v;

    """Schema Activity.ActivityLinks.ActivityLinksLiked { model.description }}
    """<p> Your explanation here.
    class ActivityLinksLiked extends SomeBaseModelClass {

      // JSON name: 'count'
      long _count;

      // JSON name: 'href'
      object _href;

      // JSON name: 'type'
      object _type;

      // Getters and setters might go here
      long getCount() {
        return _count;
      void setCount(long v) {
        _count = v;
      object getHref() {
        return _href;
      void setHref(object v) {
        _href = v;
      object getType() {
        return _type;
      void setType(object v) {
        _type = v;



  """Schema Activity.ActivityObject { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
  class ActivityObject extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'actor'
    ActivityObjectActor _actor;

    // JSON name: 'attachments'
    com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectAttachments> _attachments;

    // JSON name: 'comments'
    com::google::myservice::Array<Comment> _comments;

    // JSON name: 'content'
    object _content;

    // JSON name: 'detectedlLang'
    object _detectedlLang;

    // JSON name: 'id'
    object _id;

    // JSON name: 'liked'
    com::google::myservice::Array<Person> _liked;

    // JSON name: 'links'
    Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectLinksItemElement>> _links;

    // JSON name: 'originalContent'
    object _originalContent;

    // JSON name: 'shareOriginal'
    Activity _shareOriginal;

    // JSON name: 'targetLang'
    object _targetLang;

    // JSON name: 'type'
    str _type;

    // JSON name: 'untranslatedContent'
    object _untranslatedContent;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    ActivityObjectActor getActor() {
      return _actor;
    void setActor(ActivityObjectActor v) {
      _actor = v;
    com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectAttachments> getAttachments() {
      return _attachments;
    void setAttachments(com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectAttachments> v) {
      _attachments = v;
    com::google::myservice::Array<Comment> getComments() {
      return _comments;
    void setComments(com::google::myservice::Array<Comment> v) {
      _comments = v;
    object getContent() {
      return _content;
    void setContent(object v) {
      _content = v;
    object getDetectedlLang() {
      return _detectedlLang;
    void setDetectedlLang(object v) {
      _detectedlLang = v;
    object getId() {
      return _id;
    void setId(object v) {
      _id = v;
    com::google::myservice::Array<Person> getLiked() {
      return _liked;
    void setLiked(com::google::myservice::Array<Person> v) {
      _liked = v;
    Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectLinksItemElement>> getLinks() {
      return _links;
    void setLinks(Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectLinksItemElement>> v) {
      _links = v;
    object getOriginalContent() {
      return _originalContent;
    void setOriginalContent(object v) {
      _originalContent = v;
    Activity getShareOriginal() {
      return _shareOriginal;
    void setShareOriginal(Activity v) {
      _shareOriginal = v;
    object getTargetLang() {
      return _targetLang;
    void setTargetLang(object v) {
      _targetLang = v;
    str getType() {
      return _type;
    void setType(str v) {
      _type = v;
    object getUntranslatedContent() {
      return _untranslatedContent;
    void setUntranslatedContent(object v) {
      _untranslatedContent = v;

    """Schema Activity.ActivityObject.ActivityObjectActor { model.description }}
    """<p> Your explanation here.
    class ActivityObjectActor extends SomeBaseModelClass {

      // JSON name: 'id'
      object _id;

      // JSON name: 'name'
      object _name;

      // JSON name: 'profileUrl'
      object _profileUrl;

      // JSON name: 'thumbnailUrl'
      object _thumbnailUrl;

      // Getters and setters might go here
      object getId() {
        return _id;
      void setId(object v) {
        _id = v;
      object getName() {
        return _name;
      void setName(object v) {
        _name = v;
      object getProfileUrl() {
        return _profileUrl;
      void setProfileUrl(object v) {
        _profileUrl = v;
      object getThumbnailUrl() {
        return _thumbnailUrl;
      void setThumbnailUrl(object v) {
        _thumbnailUrl = v;


    """Schema Activity.ActivityObject.ActivityObjectAttachments {
    """model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
    class ActivityObjectAttachments extends SomeBaseModelClass {

      // JSON name: 'content'
      object _content;

      // JSON name: 'id'
      object _id;

      // JSON name: 'links'
      Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectAttachmentsLinksItemElement>> _links;

      // JSON name: 'title'
      object _title;

      // JSON name: 'type'
      str _type;

      // Getters and setters might go here
      object getContent() {
        return _content;
      void setContent(object v) {
        _content = v;
      object getId() {
        return _id;
      void setId(object v) {
        _id = v;
      Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectAttachmentsLinksItemElement>> getLinks() {
        return _links;
      void setLinks(Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectAttachmentsLinksItemElement>> v) {
        _links = v;
      object getTitle() {
        return _title;
      void setTitle(object v) {
        _title = v;
      str getType() {
        return _type;
      void setType(str v) {
        _type = v;

      """Schema Activity.ActivityObject.ActivityObjectAttachments.ActivityObject
      """AttachmentsLinksItemElement { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
      class ActivityObjectAttachmentsLinksItemElement extends SomeBaseModelClass {

        // JSON name: 'count'
        object _count;

        // JSON name: 'height'
        object _height;

        // JSON name: 'href'
        object _href;

        // JSON name: 'title'
        object _title;

        // JSON name: 'type'
        object _type;

        // JSON name: 'updated'
        str _updated;

        // JSON name: 'width'
        object _width;

        // Getters and setters might go here
        object getCount() {
          return _count;
        void setCount(object v) {
          _count = v;
        object getHeight() {
          return _height;
        void setHeight(object v) {
          _height = v;
        object getHref() {
          return _href;
        void setHref(object v) {
          _href = v;
        object getTitle() {
          return _title;
        void setTitle(object v) {
          _title = v;
        object getType() {
          return _type;
        void setType(object v) {
          _type = v;
        str getUpdated() {
          return _updated;
        void setUpdated(str v) {
          _updated = v;
        object getWidth() {
          return _width;
        void setWidth(object v) {
          _width = v;



    """Schema Activity.ActivityObject.ActivityObjectLinksItemElement {
    """model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
    class ActivityObjectLinksItemElement extends SomeBaseModelClass {

      // JSON name: 'href'
      object _href;

      // JSON name: 'type'
      object _type;

      // Getters and setters might go here
      object getHref() {
        return _href;
      void setHref(object v) {
        _href = v;
      object getType() {
        return _type;
      void setType(object v) {
        _type = v;



  """Schema Activity.ActivitySource { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
  class ActivitySource extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'title'
    object _title;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getTitle() {
      return _title;
    void setTitle(object v) {
      _title = v;


  """Schema Activity.ActivityVisibility { model.description }} <p> Your
  """explanation here.
  class ActivityVisibility extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'entries'
    com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityVisibilityEntries> _entries;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityVisibilityEntries> getEntries() {
      return _entries;
    void setEntries(com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityVisibilityEntries> v) {
      _entries = v;

    """Schema Activity.ActivityVisibility.ActivityVisibilityEntries {
    """model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
    class ActivityVisibilityEntries extends SomeBaseModelClass {

      // JSON name: 'id'
      object _id;

      // JSON name: 'title'
      object _title;

      // Getters and setters might go here
      object getId() {
        return _id;
      void setId(object v) {
        _id = v;
      object getTitle() {
        return _title;
      void setTitle(object v) {
        _title = v;




"""Schema Activity.ActivityActor { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
class ActivityActor extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'id'
  object _id;

  // JSON name: 'name'
  object _name;

  // JSON name: 'profileUrl'
  object _profileUrl;

  // JSON name: 'thumbnailUrl'
  object _thumbnailUrl;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(object v) {
    _id = v;
  object getName() {
    return _name;
  void setName(object v) {
    _name = v;
  object getProfileUrl() {
    return _profileUrl;
  void setProfileUrl(object v) {
    _profileUrl = v;
  object getThumbnailUrl() {
    return _thumbnailUrl;
  void setThumbnailUrl(object v) {
    _thumbnailUrl = v;


"""Schema Activity.ActivityCategories { model.description }} <p> Your
"""explanation here.
class ActivityCategories extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'label'
  object _label;

  // JSON name: 'schema'
  object _schema;

  // JSON name: 'term'
  object _term;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getLabel() {
    return _label;
  void setLabel(object v) {
    _label = v;
  object getSchema() {
    return _schema;
  void setSchema(object v) {
    _schema = v;
  object getTerm() {
    return _term;
  void setTerm(object v) {
    _term = v;


"""Schema .ActivityFeed { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class ActivityFeed extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'id'
  object _id;

  // JSON name: 'items'
  com::google::myservice::Array<Activity> _items;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  str _kind;

  // JSON name: 'links'
  Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityFeedLinksItemElement>> _links;

  // JSON name: 'title'
  object _title;

  // JSON name: 'updated'
  str _updated;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(object v) {
    _id = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<Activity> getItems() {
    return _items;
  void setItems(com::google::myservice::Array<Activity> v) {
    _items = v;
  str getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(str v) {
    _kind = v;
  Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityFeedLinksItemElement>> getLinks() {
    return _links;
  void setLinks(Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityFeedLinksItemElement>> v) {
    _links = v;
  object getTitle() {
    return _title;
  void setTitle(object v) {
    _title = v;
  str getUpdated() {
    return _updated;
  void setUpdated(str v) {
    _updated = v;

  """Schema ActivityFeed.ActivityFeedLinksItemElement { model.description }} <p>
  """Your explanation here.
  class ActivityFeedLinksItemElement extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'count'
    object _count;

    // JSON name: 'height'
    object _height;

    // JSON name: 'href'
    object _href;

    // JSON name: 'title'
    object _title;

    // JSON name: 'type'
    object _type;

    // JSON name: 'updated'
    str _updated;

    // JSON name: 'width'
    object _width;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getCount() {
      return _count;
    void setCount(object v) {
      _count = v;
    object getHeight() {
      return _height;
    void setHeight(object v) {
      _height = v;
    object getHref() {
      return _href;
    void setHref(object v) {
      _href = v;
    object getTitle() {
      return _title;
    void setTitle(object v) {
      _title = v;
    object getType() {
      return _type;
    void setType(object v) {
      _type = v;
    str getUpdated() {
      return _updated;
    void setUpdated(str v) {
      _updated = v;
    object getWidth() {
      return _width;
    void setWidth(object v) {
      _width = v;



"""Schema ActivityFeed.ActivityFeedLinksItemElement { model.description }} <p>
"""Your explanation here.
class ActivityFeedLinksItemElement extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'count'
  object _count;

  // JSON name: 'height'
  object _height;

  // JSON name: 'href'
  object _href;

  // JSON name: 'title'
  object _title;

  // JSON name: 'type'
  object _type;

  // JSON name: 'updated'
  str _updated;

  // JSON name: 'width'
  object _width;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getCount() {
    return _count;
  void setCount(object v) {
    _count = v;
  object getHeight() {
    return _height;
  void setHeight(object v) {
    _height = v;
  object getHref() {
    return _href;
  void setHref(object v) {
    _href = v;
  object getTitle() {
    return _title;
  void setTitle(object v) {
    _title = v;
  object getType() {
    return _type;
  void setType(object v) {
    _type = v;
  str getUpdated() {
    return _updated;
  void setUpdated(str v) {
    _updated = v;
  object getWidth() {
    return _width;
  void setWidth(object v) {
    _width = v;


"""Schema Activity.ActivityLinks { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
class ActivityLinks extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'liked'
  com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityLinksLiked> _liked;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityLinksLiked> getLiked() {
    return _liked;
  void setLiked(com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityLinksLiked> v) {
    _liked = v;

  """Schema Activity.ActivityLinks.ActivityLinksLiked { model.description }} <p>
  """Your explanation here.
  class ActivityLinksLiked extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'count'
    long _count;

    // JSON name: 'href'
    object _href;

    // JSON name: 'type'
    object _type;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    long getCount() {
      return _count;
    void setCount(long v) {
      _count = v;
    object getHref() {
      return _href;
    void setHref(object v) {
      _href = v;
    object getType() {
      return _type;
    void setType(object v) {
      _type = v;



"""Schema Activity.ActivityLinks.ActivityLinksLiked { model.description }} <p>
"""Your explanation here.
class ActivityLinksLiked extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'count'
  long _count;

  // JSON name: 'href'
  object _href;

  // JSON name: 'type'
  object _type;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  long getCount() {
    return _count;
  void setCount(long v) {
    _count = v;
  object getHref() {
    return _href;
  void setHref(object v) {
    _href = v;
  object getType() {
    return _type;
  void setType(object v) {
    _type = v;


"""Schema Activity.ActivityObject { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
class ActivityObject extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'actor'
  ActivityObjectActor _actor;

  // JSON name: 'attachments'
  com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectAttachments> _attachments;

  // JSON name: 'comments'
  com::google::myservice::Array<Comment> _comments;

  // JSON name: 'content'
  object _content;

  // JSON name: 'detectedlLang'
  object _detectedlLang;

  // JSON name: 'id'
  object _id;

  // JSON name: 'liked'
  com::google::myservice::Array<Person> _liked;

  // JSON name: 'links'
  Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectLinksItemElement>> _links;

  // JSON name: 'originalContent'
  object _originalContent;

  // JSON name: 'shareOriginal'
  Activity _shareOriginal;

  // JSON name: 'targetLang'
  object _targetLang;

  // JSON name: 'type'
  str _type;

  // JSON name: 'untranslatedContent'
  object _untranslatedContent;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  ActivityObjectActor getActor() {
    return _actor;
  void setActor(ActivityObjectActor v) {
    _actor = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectAttachments> getAttachments() {
    return _attachments;
  void setAttachments(com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectAttachments> v) {
    _attachments = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<Comment> getComments() {
    return _comments;
  void setComments(com::google::myservice::Array<Comment> v) {
    _comments = v;
  object getContent() {
    return _content;
  void setContent(object v) {
    _content = v;
  object getDetectedlLang() {
    return _detectedlLang;
  void setDetectedlLang(object v) {
    _detectedlLang = v;
  object getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(object v) {
    _id = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<Person> getLiked() {
    return _liked;
  void setLiked(com::google::myservice::Array<Person> v) {
    _liked = v;
  Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectLinksItemElement>> getLinks() {
    return _links;
  void setLinks(Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectLinksItemElement>> v) {
    _links = v;
  object getOriginalContent() {
    return _originalContent;
  void setOriginalContent(object v) {
    _originalContent = v;
  Activity getShareOriginal() {
    return _shareOriginal;
  void setShareOriginal(Activity v) {
    _shareOriginal = v;
  object getTargetLang() {
    return _targetLang;
  void setTargetLang(object v) {
    _targetLang = v;
  str getType() {
    return _type;
  void setType(str v) {
    _type = v;
  object getUntranslatedContent() {
    return _untranslatedContent;
  void setUntranslatedContent(object v) {
    _untranslatedContent = v;

  """Schema Activity.ActivityObject.ActivityObjectActor { model.description }}
  """<p> Your explanation here.
  class ActivityObjectActor extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'id'
    object _id;

    // JSON name: 'name'
    object _name;

    // JSON name: 'profileUrl'
    object _profileUrl;

    // JSON name: 'thumbnailUrl'
    object _thumbnailUrl;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getId() {
      return _id;
    void setId(object v) {
      _id = v;
    object getName() {
      return _name;
    void setName(object v) {
      _name = v;
    object getProfileUrl() {
      return _profileUrl;
    void setProfileUrl(object v) {
      _profileUrl = v;
    object getThumbnailUrl() {
      return _thumbnailUrl;
    void setThumbnailUrl(object v) {
      _thumbnailUrl = v;


  """Schema Activity.ActivityObject.ActivityObjectAttachments {
  """model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
  class ActivityObjectAttachments extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'content'
    object _content;

    // JSON name: 'id'
    object _id;

    // JSON name: 'links'
    Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectAttachmentsLinksItemElement>> _links;

    // JSON name: 'title'
    object _title;

    // JSON name: 'type'
    str _type;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getContent() {
      return _content;
    void setContent(object v) {
      _content = v;
    object getId() {
      return _id;
    void setId(object v) {
      _id = v;
    Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectAttachmentsLinksItemElement>> getLinks() {
      return _links;
    void setLinks(Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectAttachmentsLinksItemElement>> v) {
      _links = v;
    object getTitle() {
      return _title;
    void setTitle(object v) {
      _title = v;
    str getType() {
      return _type;
    void setType(str v) {
      _type = v;

    """Schema Activity.ActivityObject.ActivityObjectAttachments.ActivityObjectAt
    """tachmentsLinksItemElement { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
    class ActivityObjectAttachmentsLinksItemElement extends SomeBaseModelClass {

      // JSON name: 'count'
      object _count;

      // JSON name: 'height'
      object _height;

      // JSON name: 'href'
      object _href;

      // JSON name: 'title'
      object _title;

      // JSON name: 'type'
      object _type;

      // JSON name: 'updated'
      str _updated;

      // JSON name: 'width'
      object _width;

      // Getters and setters might go here
      object getCount() {
        return _count;
      void setCount(object v) {
        _count = v;
      object getHeight() {
        return _height;
      void setHeight(object v) {
        _height = v;
      object getHref() {
        return _href;
      void setHref(object v) {
        _href = v;
      object getTitle() {
        return _title;
      void setTitle(object v) {
        _title = v;
      object getType() {
        return _type;
      void setType(object v) {
        _type = v;
      str getUpdated() {
        return _updated;
      void setUpdated(str v) {
        _updated = v;
      object getWidth() {
        return _width;
      void setWidth(object v) {
        _width = v;



  """Schema Activity.ActivityObject.ActivityObjectLinksItemElement {
  """model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
  class ActivityObjectLinksItemElement extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'href'
    object _href;

    // JSON name: 'type'
    object _type;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getHref() {
      return _href;
    void setHref(object v) {
      _href = v;
    object getType() {
      return _type;
    void setType(object v) {
      _type = v;



"""Schema Activity.ActivityObject.ActivityObjectActor { model.description }} <p>
"""Your explanation here.
class ActivityObjectActor extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'id'
  object _id;

  // JSON name: 'name'
  object _name;

  // JSON name: 'profileUrl'
  object _profileUrl;

  // JSON name: 'thumbnailUrl'
  object _thumbnailUrl;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(object v) {
    _id = v;
  object getName() {
    return _name;
  void setName(object v) {
    _name = v;
  object getProfileUrl() {
    return _profileUrl;
  void setProfileUrl(object v) {
    _profileUrl = v;
  object getThumbnailUrl() {
    return _thumbnailUrl;
  void setThumbnailUrl(object v) {
    _thumbnailUrl = v;


"""Schema Activity.ActivityObject.ActivityObjectAttachments { model.description
"""}} <p> Your explanation here.
class ActivityObjectAttachments extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'content'
  object _content;

  // JSON name: 'id'
  object _id;

  // JSON name: 'links'
  Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectAttachmentsLinksItemElement>> _links;

  // JSON name: 'title'
  object _title;

  // JSON name: 'type'
  str _type;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getContent() {
    return _content;
  void setContent(object v) {
    _content = v;
  object getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(object v) {
    _id = v;
  Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectAttachmentsLinksItemElement>> getLinks() {
    return _links;
  void setLinks(Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityObjectAttachmentsLinksItemElement>> v) {
    _links = v;
  object getTitle() {
    return _title;
  void setTitle(object v) {
    _title = v;
  str getType() {
    return _type;
  void setType(str v) {
    _type = v;

  """Schema Activity.ActivityObject.ActivityObjectAttachments.ActivityObjectAtta
  """chmentsLinksItemElement { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
  class ActivityObjectAttachmentsLinksItemElement extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'count'
    object _count;

    // JSON name: 'height'
    object _height;

    // JSON name: 'href'
    object _href;

    // JSON name: 'title'
    object _title;

    // JSON name: 'type'
    object _type;

    // JSON name: 'updated'
    str _updated;

    // JSON name: 'width'
    object _width;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getCount() {
      return _count;
    void setCount(object v) {
      _count = v;
    object getHeight() {
      return _height;
    void setHeight(object v) {
      _height = v;
    object getHref() {
      return _href;
    void setHref(object v) {
      _href = v;
    object getTitle() {
      return _title;
    void setTitle(object v) {
      _title = v;
    object getType() {
      return _type;
    void setType(object v) {
      _type = v;
    str getUpdated() {
      return _updated;
    void setUpdated(str v) {
      _updated = v;
    object getWidth() {
      return _width;
    void setWidth(object v) {
      _width = v;



"""Schema Activity.ActivityObject.ActivityObjectAttachments.ActivityObjectAttach
"""mentsLinksItemElement { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class ActivityObjectAttachmentsLinksItemElement extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'count'
  object _count;

  // JSON name: 'height'
  object _height;

  // JSON name: 'href'
  object _href;

  // JSON name: 'title'
  object _title;

  // JSON name: 'type'
  object _type;

  // JSON name: 'updated'
  str _updated;

  // JSON name: 'width'
  object _width;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getCount() {
    return _count;
  void setCount(object v) {
    _count = v;
  object getHeight() {
    return _height;
  void setHeight(object v) {
    _height = v;
  object getHref() {
    return _href;
  void setHref(object v) {
    _href = v;
  object getTitle() {
    return _title;
  void setTitle(object v) {
    _title = v;
  object getType() {
    return _type;
  void setType(object v) {
    _type = v;
  str getUpdated() {
    return _updated;
  void setUpdated(str v) {
    _updated = v;
  object getWidth() {
    return _width;
  void setWidth(object v) {
    _width = v;


"""Schema Activity.ActivityObject.ActivityObjectLinksItemElement {
"""model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class ActivityObjectLinksItemElement extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'href'
  object _href;

  // JSON name: 'type'
  object _type;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getHref() {
    return _href;
  void setHref(object v) {
    _href = v;
  object getType() {
    return _type;
  void setType(object v) {
    _type = v;


"""Schema Activity.ActivitySource { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
class ActivitySource extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'title'
  object _title;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getTitle() {
    return _title;
  void setTitle(object v) {
    _title = v;


"""Schema Activity.ActivityVisibility { model.description }} <p> Your
"""explanation here.
class ActivityVisibility extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'entries'
  com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityVisibilityEntries> _entries;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityVisibilityEntries> getEntries() {
    return _entries;
  void setEntries(com::google::myservice::Array<ActivityVisibilityEntries> v) {
    _entries = v;

  """Schema Activity.ActivityVisibility.ActivityVisibilityEntries {
  """model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
  class ActivityVisibilityEntries extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'id'
    object _id;

    // JSON name: 'title'
    object _title;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getId() {
      return _id;
    void setId(object v) {
      _id = v;
    object getTitle() {
      return _title;
    void setTitle(object v) {
      _title = v;



"""Schema Activity.ActivityVisibility.ActivityVisibilityEntries {
"""model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class ActivityVisibilityEntries extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'id'
  object _id;

  // JSON name: 'title'
  object _title;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(object v) {
    _id = v;
  object getTitle() {
    return _title;
  void setTitle(object v) {
    _title = v;


"""Schema .Album { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class Album extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'created'
  str _created;

  // JSON name: 'description'
  str _description;

  // JSON name: 'firstPhotoId'
  long _firstPhotoId;

  // JSON name: 'id'
  long _id;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  str _kind;

  // JSON name: 'lastModified'
  str _lastModified;

  // JSON name: 'links'
  AlbumLinks _links;

  // JSON name: 'owner'
  AlbumOwner _owner;

  // JSON name: 'tags'
  com::google::myservice::Array<str> _tags;

  // JSON name: 'title'
  str _title;

  // JSON name: 'version'
  long _version;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  str getCreated() {
    return _created;
  void setCreated(str v) {
    _created = v;
  str getDescription() {
    return _description;
  void setDescription(str v) {
    _description = v;
  long getFirstPhotoId() {
    return _firstPhotoId;
  void setFirstPhotoId(long v) {
    _firstPhotoId = v;
  long getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(long v) {
    _id = v;
  str getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(str v) {
    _kind = v;
  str getLastModified() {
    return _lastModified;
  void setLastModified(str v) {
    _lastModified = v;
  AlbumLinks getLinks() {
    return _links;
  void setLinks(AlbumLinks v) {
    _links = v;
  AlbumOwner getOwner() {
    return _owner;
  void setOwner(AlbumOwner v) {
    _owner = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<str> getTags() {
    return _tags;
  void setTags(com::google::myservice::Array<str> v) {
    _tags = v;
  str getTitle() {
    return _title;
  void setTitle(str v) {
    _title = v;
  long getVersion() {
    return _version;
  void setVersion(long v) {
    _version = v;

  """Schema Album.AlbumLinks { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
  class AlbumLinks extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'alternate'
    Link _alternate;

    // JSON name: 'enclosure'
    Link _enclosure;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    Link getAlternate() {
      return _alternate;
    void setAlternate(Link v) {
      _alternate = v;
    Link getEnclosure() {
      return _enclosure;
    void setEnclosure(Link v) {
      _enclosure = v;


  """Schema Album.AlbumOwner { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
  class AlbumOwner extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'id'
    str _id;

    // JSON name: 'name'
    str _name;

    // JSON name: 'profileUrl'
    str _profileUrl;

    // JSON name: 'thumbnailUrl'
    str _thumbnailUrl;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    str getId() {
      return _id;
    void setId(str v) {
      _id = v;
    str getName() {
      return _name;
    void setName(str v) {
      _name = v;
    str getProfileUrl() {
      return _profileUrl;
    void setProfileUrl(str v) {
      _profileUrl = v;
    str getThumbnailUrl() {
      return _thumbnailUrl;
    void setThumbnailUrl(str v) {
      _thumbnailUrl = v;



"""Schema Album.AlbumLinks { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class AlbumLinks extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'alternate'
  Link _alternate;

  // JSON name: 'enclosure'
  Link _enclosure;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  Link getAlternate() {
    return _alternate;
  void setAlternate(Link v) {
    _alternate = v;
  Link getEnclosure() {
    return _enclosure;
  void setEnclosure(Link v) {
    _enclosure = v;


"""Schema Album.AlbumOwner { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class AlbumOwner extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'id'
  str _id;

  // JSON name: 'name'
  str _name;

  // JSON name: 'profileUrl'
  str _profileUrl;

  // JSON name: 'thumbnailUrl'
  str _thumbnailUrl;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  str getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(str v) {
    _id = v;
  str getName() {
    return _name;
  void setName(str v) {
    _name = v;
  str getProfileUrl() {
    return _profileUrl;
  void setProfileUrl(str v) {
    _profileUrl = v;
  str getThumbnailUrl() {
    return _thumbnailUrl;
  void setThumbnailUrl(str v) {
    _thumbnailUrl = v;


"""Schema .AlbumsFeed { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class AlbumsFeed extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'items'
  com::google::myservice::Array<Album> _items;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  str _kind;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  com::google::myservice::Array<Album> getItems() {
    return _items;
  void setItems(com::google::myservice::Array<Album> v) {
    _items = v;
  str getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(str v) {
    _kind = v;


"""Schema .AllTypes { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class AllTypes extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'any'
  object _any;

  // JSON name: 'boolean'
  bool _boolean;

  // JSON name: 'bytes'
  str _bytes;

  // JSON name: 'date'
  str _date;

  // JSON name: 'datetime'
  str _datetime;

  // JSON name: 'double'
  float _double;

  // JSON name: 'float'
  float _float;

  // JSON name: 'int16'
  long _int16;

  // JSON name: 'int32'
  long _int32;

  // JSON name: 'int64'
  str _int64;

  // JSON name: 'object'
  AllTypesObject _object;

  // JSON name: 'string'
  str _string;

  // JSON name: 'uint32'
  long _uint32;

  // JSON name: 'uint64'
  str _uint64;

  // JSON name: 'uint64array'
  com::google::myservice::Array<str> _uint64array;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getAny() {
    return _any;
  void setAny(object v) {
    _any = v;
  bool getBoolean() {
    return _boolean;
  void setBoolean(bool v) {
    _boolean = v;
  str getBytes() {
    return _bytes;
  void setBytes(str v) {
    _bytes = v;
  str getDate() {
    return _date;
  void setDate(str v) {
    _date = v;
  str getDatetime() {
    return _datetime;
  void setDatetime(str v) {
    _datetime = v;
  float getDouble() {
    return _double;
  void setDouble(float v) {
    _double = v;
  float getFloat() {
    return _float;
  void setFloat(float v) {
    _float = v;
  long getInt16() {
    return _int16;
  void setInt16(long v) {
    _int16 = v;
  long getInt32() {
    return _int32;
  void setInt32(long v) {
    _int32 = v;
  str getInt64() {
    return _int64;
  void setInt64(str v) {
    _int64 = v;
  AllTypesObject getObject() {
    return _object;
  void setObject(AllTypesObject v) {
    _object = v;
  str getString() {
    return _string;
  void setString(str v) {
    _string = v;
  long getUint32() {
    return _uint32;
  void setUint32(long v) {
    _uint32 = v;
  str getUint64() {
    return _uint64;
  void setUint64(str v) {
    _uint64 = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<str> getUint64array() {
    return _uint64array;
  void setUint64array(com::google::myservice::Array<str> v) {
    _uint64array = v;

  """Schema AllTypes.AllTypesObject { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
  class AllTypesObject extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'id'
    str _id;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    str getId() {
      return _id;
    void setId(str v) {
      _id = v;



"""Schema AllTypes.AllTypesObject { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
class AllTypesObject extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'id'
  str _id;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  str getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(str v) {
    _id = v;


"""Schema .ChiliPhotosResourceJson { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
class ChiliPhotosResourceJson extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'album'
  ChiliPhotosResourceJsonAlbum _album;

  // JSON name: 'created'
  str _created;

  // JSON name: 'description'
  str _description;

  // JSON name: 'fileSize'
  long _fileSize;

  // JSON name: 'id'
  long _id;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  str _kind;

  // JSON name: 'lastModified'
  str _lastModified;

  // JSON name: 'links'
  ChiliPhotosResourceJsonLinks _links;

  // JSON name: 'owner'
  ChiliPhotosResourceJsonOwner _owner;

  // JSON name: 'timestamp'
  float _timestamp;

  // JSON name: 'title'
  str _title;

  // JSON name: 'version'
  long _version;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  ChiliPhotosResourceJsonAlbum getAlbum() {
    return _album;
  void setAlbum(ChiliPhotosResourceJsonAlbum v) {
    _album = v;
  str getCreated() {
    return _created;
  void setCreated(str v) {
    _created = v;
  str getDescription() {
    return _description;
  void setDescription(str v) {
    _description = v;
  long getFileSize() {
    return _fileSize;
  void setFileSize(long v) {
    _fileSize = v;
  long getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(long v) {
    _id = v;
  str getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(str v) {
    _kind = v;
  str getLastModified() {
    return _lastModified;
  void setLastModified(str v) {
    _lastModified = v;
  ChiliPhotosResourceJsonLinks getLinks() {
    return _links;
  void setLinks(ChiliPhotosResourceJsonLinks v) {
    _links = v;
  ChiliPhotosResourceJsonOwner getOwner() {
    return _owner;
  void setOwner(ChiliPhotosResourceJsonOwner v) {
    _owner = v;
  float getTimestamp() {
    return _timestamp;
  void setTimestamp(float v) {
    _timestamp = v;
  str getTitle() {
    return _title;
  void setTitle(str v) {
    _title = v;
  long getVersion() {
    return _version;
  void setVersion(long v) {
    _version = v;

  """Schema ChiliPhotosResourceJson.ChiliPhotosResourceJsonAlbum {
  """model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
  class ChiliPhotosResourceJsonAlbum extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'id'
    long _id;

    // JSON name: 'page_link'
    Link _page_link;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    long getId() {
      return _id;
    void setId(long v) {
      _id = v;
    Link getPage_link() {
      return _page_link;
    void setPage_link(Link v) {
      _page_link = v;


  """Schema ChiliPhotosResourceJson.ChiliPhotosResourceJsonLinks {
  """model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
  class ChiliPhotosResourceJsonLinks extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'alternate'
    com::google::myservice::Array<Link> _alternate;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    com::google::myservice::Array<Link> getAlternate() {
      return _alternate;
    void setAlternate(com::google::myservice::Array<Link> v) {
      _alternate = v;


  """Schema ChiliPhotosResourceJson.ChiliPhotosResourceJsonOwner {
  """model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
  class ChiliPhotosResourceJsonOwner extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'id'
    str _id;

    // JSON name: 'name'
    str _name;

    // JSON name: 'profileUrl'
    str _profileUrl;

    // JSON name: 'thumbnailUrl'
    str _thumbnailUrl;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    str getId() {
      return _id;
    void setId(str v) {
      _id = v;
    str getName() {
      return _name;
    void setName(str v) {
      _name = v;
    str getProfileUrl() {
      return _profileUrl;
    void setProfileUrl(str v) {
      _profileUrl = v;
    str getThumbnailUrl() {
      return _thumbnailUrl;
    void setThumbnailUrl(str v) {
      _thumbnailUrl = v;



"""Schema ChiliPhotosResourceJson.ChiliPhotosResourceJsonAlbum {
"""model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class ChiliPhotosResourceJsonAlbum extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'id'
  long _id;

  // JSON name: 'page_link'
  Link _page_link;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  long getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(long v) {
    _id = v;
  Link getPage_link() {
    return _page_link;
  void setPage_link(Link v) {
    _page_link = v;


"""Schema ChiliPhotosResourceJson.ChiliPhotosResourceJsonLinks {
"""model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class ChiliPhotosResourceJsonLinks extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'alternate'
  com::google::myservice::Array<Link> _alternate;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  com::google::myservice::Array<Link> getAlternate() {
    return _alternate;
  void setAlternate(com::google::myservice::Array<Link> v) {
    _alternate = v;


"""Schema ChiliPhotosResourceJson.ChiliPhotosResourceJsonOwner {
"""model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class ChiliPhotosResourceJsonOwner extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'id'
  str _id;

  // JSON name: 'name'
  str _name;

  // JSON name: 'profileUrl'
  str _profileUrl;

  // JSON name: 'thumbnailUrl'
  str _thumbnailUrl;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  str getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(str v) {
    _id = v;
  str getName() {
    return _name;
  void setName(str v) {
    _name = v;
  str getProfileUrl() {
    return _profileUrl;
  void setProfileUrl(str v) {
    _profileUrl = v;
  str getThumbnailUrl() {
    return _thumbnailUrl;
  void setThumbnailUrl(str v) {
    _thumbnailUrl = v;


"""Schema .Comment { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class Comment extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'actor'
  CommentActor _actor;

  // JSON name: 'content'
  object _content;

  // JSON name: 'detectedLang'
  object _detectedLang;

  // JSON name: 'id'
  object _id;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  str _kind;

  // JSON name: 'links'
  CommentLinks _links;

  // JSON name: 'originalContent'
  object _originalContent;

  // JSON name: 'placeholder'
  object _placeholder;

  // JSON name: 'published'
  str _published;

  // JSON name: 'targetLang'
  object _targetLang;

  // JSON name: 'untranslatedContent'
  object _untranslatedContent;

  // JSON name: 'updated'
  str _updated;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  CommentActor getActor() {
    return _actor;
  void setActor(CommentActor v) {
    _actor = v;
  object getContent() {
    return _content;
  void setContent(object v) {
    _content = v;
  object getDetectedLang() {
    return _detectedLang;
  void setDetectedLang(object v) {
    _detectedLang = v;
  object getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(object v) {
    _id = v;
  str getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(str v) {
    _kind = v;
  CommentLinks getLinks() {
    return _links;
  void setLinks(CommentLinks v) {
    _links = v;
  object getOriginalContent() {
    return _originalContent;
  void setOriginalContent(object v) {
    _originalContent = v;
  object getPlaceholder() {
    return _placeholder;
  void setPlaceholder(object v) {
    _placeholder = v;
  str getPublished() {
    return _published;
  void setPublished(str v) {
    _published = v;
  object getTargetLang() {
    return _targetLang;
  void setTargetLang(object v) {
    _targetLang = v;
  object getUntranslatedContent() {
    return _untranslatedContent;
  void setUntranslatedContent(object v) {
    _untranslatedContent = v;
  str getUpdated() {
    return _updated;
  void setUpdated(str v) {
    _updated = v;

  """Schema Comment.CommentActor { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
  class CommentActor extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'id'
    object _id;

    // JSON name: 'name'
    object _name;

    // JSON name: 'profileUrl'
    object _profileUrl;

    // JSON name: 'thumbnailUrl'
    object _thumbnailUrl;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getId() {
      return _id;
    void setId(object v) {
      _id = v;
    object getName() {
      return _name;
    void setName(object v) {
      _name = v;
    object getProfileUrl() {
      return _profileUrl;
    void setProfileUrl(object v) {
      _profileUrl = v;
    object getThumbnailUrl() {
      return _thumbnailUrl;
    void setThumbnailUrl(object v) {
      _thumbnailUrl = v;


  """Schema Comment.CommentLinks { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
  class CommentLinks extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'inReplyTo'
    com::google::myservice::Array<CommentLinksInReplyTo> _inReplyTo;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    com::google::myservice::Array<CommentLinksInReplyTo> getInReplyTo() {
      return _inReplyTo;
    void setInReplyTo(com::google::myservice::Array<CommentLinksInReplyTo> v) {
      _inReplyTo = v;

    """Schema Comment.CommentLinks.CommentLinksInReplyTo { model.description }}
    """<p> Your explanation here.
    class CommentLinksInReplyTo extends SomeBaseModelClass {

      // JSON name: 'href'
      object _href;

      // JSON name: 'ref'
      object _ref;

      // JSON name: 'source'
      object _source;

      // Getters and setters might go here
      object getHref() {
        return _href;
      void setHref(object v) {
        _href = v;
      object getRef() {
        return _ref;
      void setRef(object v) {
        _ref = v;
      object getSource() {
        return _source;
      void setSource(object v) {
        _source = v;




"""Schema Comment.CommentActor { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class CommentActor extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'id'
  object _id;

  // JSON name: 'name'
  object _name;

  // JSON name: 'profileUrl'
  object _profileUrl;

  // JSON name: 'thumbnailUrl'
  object _thumbnailUrl;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(object v) {
    _id = v;
  object getName() {
    return _name;
  void setName(object v) {
    _name = v;
  object getProfileUrl() {
    return _profileUrl;
  void setProfileUrl(object v) {
    _profileUrl = v;
  object getThumbnailUrl() {
    return _thumbnailUrl;
  void setThumbnailUrl(object v) {
    _thumbnailUrl = v;


"""Schema .CommentFeed { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class CommentFeed extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'id'
  object _id;

  // JSON name: 'items'
  com::google::myservice::Array<Comment> _items;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  str _kind;

  // JSON name: 'links'
  Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<CommentFeedLinksItemElement>> _links;

  // JSON name: 'title'
  object _title;

  // JSON name: 'updated'
  str _updated;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(object v) {
    _id = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<Comment> getItems() {
    return _items;
  void setItems(com::google::myservice::Array<Comment> v) {
    _items = v;
  str getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(str v) {
    _kind = v;
  Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<CommentFeedLinksItemElement>> getLinks() {
    return _links;
  void setLinks(Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<CommentFeedLinksItemElement>> v) {
    _links = v;
  object getTitle() {
    return _title;
  void setTitle(object v) {
    _title = v;
  str getUpdated() {
    return _updated;
  void setUpdated(str v) {
    _updated = v;

  """Schema CommentFeed.CommentFeedLinksItemElement { model.description }} <p>
  """Your explanation here.
  class CommentFeedLinksItemElement extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'count'
    object _count;

    // JSON name: 'height'
    object _height;

    // JSON name: 'href'
    object _href;

    // JSON name: 'title'
    object _title;

    // JSON name: 'type'
    object _type;

    // JSON name: 'updated'
    str _updated;

    // JSON name: 'width'
    object _width;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getCount() {
      return _count;
    void setCount(object v) {
      _count = v;
    object getHeight() {
      return _height;
    void setHeight(object v) {
      _height = v;
    object getHref() {
      return _href;
    void setHref(object v) {
      _href = v;
    object getTitle() {
      return _title;
    void setTitle(object v) {
      _title = v;
    object getType() {
      return _type;
    void setType(object v) {
      _type = v;
    str getUpdated() {
      return _updated;
    void setUpdated(str v) {
      _updated = v;
    object getWidth() {
      return _width;
    void setWidth(object v) {
      _width = v;



"""Schema CommentFeed.CommentFeedLinksItemElement { model.description }} <p>
"""Your explanation here.
class CommentFeedLinksItemElement extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'count'
  object _count;

  // JSON name: 'height'
  object _height;

  // JSON name: 'href'
  object _href;

  // JSON name: 'title'
  object _title;

  // JSON name: 'type'
  object _type;

  // JSON name: 'updated'
  str _updated;

  // JSON name: 'width'
  object _width;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getCount() {
    return _count;
  void setCount(object v) {
    _count = v;
  object getHeight() {
    return _height;
  void setHeight(object v) {
    _height = v;
  object getHref() {
    return _href;
  void setHref(object v) {
    _href = v;
  object getTitle() {
    return _title;
  void setTitle(object v) {
    _title = v;
  object getType() {
    return _type;
  void setType(object v) {
    _type = v;
  str getUpdated() {
    return _updated;
  void setUpdated(str v) {
    _updated = v;
  object getWidth() {
    return _width;
  void setWidth(object v) {
    _width = v;


"""Schema Comment.CommentLinks { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class CommentLinks extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'inReplyTo'
  com::google::myservice::Array<CommentLinksInReplyTo> _inReplyTo;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  com::google::myservice::Array<CommentLinksInReplyTo> getInReplyTo() {
    return _inReplyTo;
  void setInReplyTo(com::google::myservice::Array<CommentLinksInReplyTo> v) {
    _inReplyTo = v;

  """Schema Comment.CommentLinks.CommentLinksInReplyTo { model.description }}
  """<p> Your explanation here.
  class CommentLinksInReplyTo extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'href'
    object _href;

    // JSON name: 'ref'
    object _ref;

    // JSON name: 'source'
    object _source;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getHref() {
      return _href;
    void setHref(object v) {
      _href = v;
    object getRef() {
      return _ref;
    void setRef(object v) {
      _ref = v;
    object getSource() {
      return _source;
    void setSource(object v) {
      _source = v;



"""Schema Comment.CommentLinks.CommentLinksInReplyTo { model.description }} <p>
"""Your explanation here.
class CommentLinksInReplyTo extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'href'
  object _href;

  // JSON name: 'ref'
  object _ref;

  // JSON name: 'source'
  object _source;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getHref() {
    return _href;
  void setHref(object v) {
    _href = v;
  object getRef() {
    return _ref;
  void setRef(object v) {
    _ref = v;
  object getSource() {
    return _source;
  void setSource(object v) {
    _source = v;


"""Schema .CountFeed { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class CountFeed extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'counts'
  Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<CountFeedCountsItemElement>> _counts;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  str _kind;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<CountFeedCountsItemElement>> getCounts() {
    return _counts;
  void setCounts(Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<CountFeedCountsItemElement>> v) {
    _counts = v;
  str getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(str v) {
    _kind = v;

  """Schema CountFeed.CountFeedCountsItemElement { model.description }} <p> Your
  """explanation here.
  class CountFeedCountsItemElement extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'count'
    object _count;

    // JSON name: 'timestamp'
    str _timestamp;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getCount() {
      return _count;
    void setCount(object v) {
      _count = v;
    str getTimestamp() {
      return _timestamp;
    void setTimestamp(str v) {
      _timestamp = v;



"""Schema CountFeed.CountFeedCountsItemElement { model.description }} <p> Your
"""explanation here.
class CountFeedCountsItemElement extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'count'
  object _count;

  // JSON name: 'timestamp'
  str _timestamp;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getCount() {
    return _count;
  void setCount(object v) {
    _count = v;
  str getTimestamp() {
    return _timestamp;
  void setTimestamp(str v) {
    _timestamp = v;


"""Schema .Entity { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class Entity extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'chipsUiAcl'
  object _chipsUiAcl;

  // JSON name: 'comment'
  object _comment;

  // JSON name: 'id'
  object _id;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  str _kind;

  // JSON name: 'starredBy'
  com::google::myservice::Array<Person> _starredBy;

  // JSON name: 'starredByViewer'
  object _starredByViewer;

  // JSON name: 'summary'
  object _summary;

  // JSON name: 'title'
  object _title;

  // JSON name: 'totalNumStars'
  object _totalNumStars;

  // JSON name: 'viewerStarAcl'
  com::google::myservice::Array<EntityViewerStarAcl> _viewerStarAcl;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getChipsUiAcl() {
    return _chipsUiAcl;
  void setChipsUiAcl(object v) {
    _chipsUiAcl = v;
  object getComment() {
    return _comment;
  void setComment(object v) {
    _comment = v;
  object getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(object v) {
    _id = v;
  str getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(str v) {
    _kind = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<Person> getStarredBy() {
    return _starredBy;
  void setStarredBy(com::google::myservice::Array<Person> v) {
    _starredBy = v;
  object getStarredByViewer() {
    return _starredByViewer;
  void setStarredByViewer(object v) {
    _starredByViewer = v;
  object getSummary() {
    return _summary;
  void setSummary(object v) {
    _summary = v;
  object getTitle() {
    return _title;
  void setTitle(object v) {
    _title = v;
  object getTotalNumStars() {
    return _totalNumStars;
  void setTotalNumStars(object v) {
    _totalNumStars = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<EntityViewerStarAcl> getViewerStarAcl() {
    return _viewerStarAcl;
  void setViewerStarAcl(com::google::myservice::Array<EntityViewerStarAcl> v) {
    _viewerStarAcl = v;

  """Schema Entity.EntityViewerStarAcl { model.description }} <p> Your
  """explanation here.
  class EntityViewerStarAcl extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'displayName'
    object _displayName;

    // JSON name: 'id'
    object _id;

    // JSON name: 'kind'
    object _kind;

    // JSON name: 'tags'
    com::google::myservice::Array<object> _tags;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getDisplayName() {
      return _displayName;
    void setDisplayName(object v) {
      _displayName = v;
    object getId() {
      return _id;
    void setId(object v) {
      _id = v;
    object getKind() {
      return _kind;
    void setKind(object v) {
      _kind = v;
    com::google::myservice::Array<object> getTags() {
      return _tags;
    void setTags(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
      _tags = v;



"""Schema .EntityAcl { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class EntityAcl extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'chipsUiAcl'
  str _chipsUiAcl;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  str _kind;

  // JSON name: 'viewerStarAcl'
  com::google::myservice::Array<EntityAclViewerStarAcl> _viewerStarAcl;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  str getChipsUiAcl() {
    return _chipsUiAcl;
  void setChipsUiAcl(str v) {
    _chipsUiAcl = v;
  str getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(str v) {
    _kind = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<EntityAclViewerStarAcl> getViewerStarAcl() {
    return _viewerStarAcl;
  void setViewerStarAcl(com::google::myservice::Array<EntityAclViewerStarAcl> v) {
    _viewerStarAcl = v;

  """Schema EntityAcl.EntityAclViewerStarAcl { model.description }} <p> Your
  """explanation here.
  class EntityAclViewerStarAcl extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'displayName'
    str _displayName;

    // JSON name: 'id'
    str _id;

    // JSON name: 'kind'
    str _kind;

    // JSON name: 'tags'
    com::google::myservice::Array<str> _tags;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    str getDisplayName() {
      return _displayName;
    void setDisplayName(str v) {
      _displayName = v;
    str getId() {
      return _id;
    void setId(str v) {
      _id = v;
    str getKind() {
      return _kind;
    void setKind(str v) {
      _kind = v;
    com::google::myservice::Array<str> getTags() {
      return _tags;
    void setTags(com::google::myservice::Array<str> v) {
      _tags = v;



"""Schema EntityAcl.EntityAclViewerStarAcl { model.description }} <p> Your
"""explanation here.
class EntityAclViewerStarAcl extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'displayName'
  str _displayName;

  // JSON name: 'id'
  str _id;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  str _kind;

  // JSON name: 'tags'
  com::google::myservice::Array<str> _tags;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  str getDisplayName() {
    return _displayName;
  void setDisplayName(str v) {
    _displayName = v;
  str getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(str v) {
    _id = v;
  str getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(str v) {
    _kind = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<str> getTags() {
    return _tags;
  void setTags(com::google::myservice::Array<str> v) {
    _tags = v;


"""Schema Entity.EntityViewerStarAcl { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
class EntityViewerStarAcl extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'displayName'
  object _displayName;

  // JSON name: 'id'
  object _id;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  object _kind;

  // JSON name: 'tags'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _tags;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getDisplayName() {
    return _displayName;
  void setDisplayName(object v) {
    _displayName = v;
  object getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(object v) {
    _id = v;
  object getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(object v) {
    _kind = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getTags() {
    return _tags;
  void setTags(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _tags = v;


"""Schema .Geometry { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class Geometry extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'type'
  str _type;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  str getType() {
    return _type;
  void setType(str v) {
    _type = v;


"""Schema .GeometryCollection { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class GeometryCollection extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'geometries'
  com::google::myservice::Array<Geometry> _geometries;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  com::google::myservice::Array<Geometry> getGeometries() {
    return _geometries;
  void setGeometries(com::google::myservice::Array<Geometry> v) {
    _geometries = v;


"""Schema .GeometryPolygon { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class GeometryPolygon extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'coordinates'
  str _coordinates;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  str getCoordinates() {
    return _coordinates;
  void setCoordinates(str v) {
    _coordinates = v;


"""Schema .Group { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class Group extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'id'
  object _id;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  str _kind;

  // JSON name: 'links'
  GroupLinks _links;

  // JSON name: 'memberCount'
  object _memberCount;

  // JSON name: 'title'
  object _title;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(object v) {
    _id = v;
  str getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(str v) {
    _kind = v;
  GroupLinks getLinks() {
    return _links;
  void setLinks(GroupLinks v) {
    _links = v;
  object getMemberCount() {
    return _memberCount;
  void setMemberCount(object v) {
    _memberCount = v;
  object getTitle() {
    return _title;
  void setTitle(object v) {
    _title = v;

  """Schema Group.GroupLinks { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
  class GroupLinks extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'self'
    com::google::myservice::Array<GroupLinksSelf> _self;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    com::google::myservice::Array<GroupLinksSelf> getSelf() {
      return _self;
    void setSelf(com::google::myservice::Array<GroupLinksSelf> v) {
      _self = v;

    """Schema Group.GroupLinks.GroupLinksSelf { model.description }} <p> Your
    """explanation here.
    class GroupLinksSelf extends SomeBaseModelClass {

      // JSON name: 'href'
      object _href;

      // JSON name: 'type'
      str _type;

      // Getters and setters might go here
      object getHref() {
        return _href;
      void setHref(object v) {
        _href = v;
      str getType() {
        return _type;
      void setType(str v) {
        _type = v;




"""Schema .GroupFeed { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class GroupFeed extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'items'
  com::google::myservice::Array<Group> _items;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  str _kind;

  // JSON name: 'links'
  Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<GroupFeedLinksItemElement>> _links;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  com::google::myservice::Array<Group> getItems() {
    return _items;
  void setItems(com::google::myservice::Array<Group> v) {
    _items = v;
  str getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(str v) {
    _kind = v;
  Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<GroupFeedLinksItemElement>> getLinks() {
    return _links;
  void setLinks(Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<GroupFeedLinksItemElement>> v) {
    _links = v;

  """Schema GroupFeed.GroupFeedLinksItemElement { model.description }} <p> Your
  """explanation here.
  class GroupFeedLinksItemElement extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'count'
    object _count;

    // JSON name: 'height'
    object _height;

    // JSON name: 'href'
    object _href;

    // JSON name: 'title'
    object _title;

    // JSON name: 'type'
    object _type;

    // JSON name: 'updated'
    str _updated;

    // JSON name: 'width'
    object _width;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getCount() {
      return _count;
    void setCount(object v) {
      _count = v;
    object getHeight() {
      return _height;
    void setHeight(object v) {
      _height = v;
    object getHref() {
      return _href;
    void setHref(object v) {
      _href = v;
    object getTitle() {
      return _title;
    void setTitle(object v) {
      _title = v;
    object getType() {
      return _type;
    void setType(object v) {
      _type = v;
    str getUpdated() {
      return _updated;
    void setUpdated(str v) {
      _updated = v;
    object getWidth() {
      return _width;
    void setWidth(object v) {
      _width = v;



"""Schema GroupFeed.GroupFeedLinksItemElement { model.description }} <p> Your
"""explanation here.
class GroupFeedLinksItemElement extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'count'
  object _count;

  // JSON name: 'height'
  object _height;

  // JSON name: 'href'
  object _href;

  // JSON name: 'title'
  object _title;

  // JSON name: 'type'
  object _type;

  // JSON name: 'updated'
  str _updated;

  // JSON name: 'width'
  object _width;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getCount() {
    return _count;
  void setCount(object v) {
    _count = v;
  object getHeight() {
    return _height;
  void setHeight(object v) {
    _height = v;
  object getHref() {
    return _href;
  void setHref(object v) {
    _href = v;
  object getTitle() {
    return _title;
  void setTitle(object v) {
    _title = v;
  object getType() {
    return _type;
  void setType(object v) {
    _type = v;
  str getUpdated() {
    return _updated;
  void setUpdated(str v) {
    _updated = v;
  object getWidth() {
    return _width;
  void setWidth(object v) {
    _width = v;


"""Schema Group.GroupLinks { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class GroupLinks extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'self'
  com::google::myservice::Array<GroupLinksSelf> _self;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  com::google::myservice::Array<GroupLinksSelf> getSelf() {
    return _self;
  void setSelf(com::google::myservice::Array<GroupLinksSelf> v) {
    _self = v;

  """Schema Group.GroupLinks.GroupLinksSelf { model.description }} <p> Your
  """explanation here.
  class GroupLinksSelf extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'href'
    object _href;

    // JSON name: 'type'
    str _type;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getHref() {
      return _href;
    void setHref(object v) {
      _href = v;
    str getType() {
      return _type;
    void setType(str v) {
      _type = v;



"""Schema Group.GroupLinks.GroupLinksSelf { model.description }} <p> Your
"""explanation here.
class GroupLinksSelf extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'href'
  object _href;

  // JSON name: 'type'
  str _type;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getHref() {
    return _href;
  void setHref(object v) {
    _href = v;
  str getType() {
    return _type;
  void setType(str v) {
    _type = v;


"""Schema .Link { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class Link extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'count'
  long _count;

  // JSON name: 'href'
  str _href;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  long getCount() {
    return _count;
  void setCount(long v) {
    _count = v;
  str getHref() {
    return _href;
  void setHref(str v) {
    _href = v;


"""Schema .PeopleFeed { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class PeopleFeed extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'entry'
  com::google::myservice::Array<Person> _entry;

  // JSON name: 'itemsPerPage'
  object _itemsPerPage;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  str _kind;

  // JSON name: 'startIndex'
  object _startIndex;

  // JSON name: 'totalResults'
  object _totalResults;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  com::google::myservice::Array<Person> getEntry() {
    return _entry;
  void setEntry(com::google::myservice::Array<Person> v) {
    _entry = v;
  object getItemsPerPage() {
    return _itemsPerPage;
  void setItemsPerPage(object v) {
    _itemsPerPage = v;
  str getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(str v) {
    _kind = v;
  object getStartIndex() {
    return _startIndex;
  void setStartIndex(object v) {
    _startIndex = v;
  object getTotalResults() {
    return _totalResults;
  void setTotalResults(object v) {
    _totalResults = v;


"""Schema .Person { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class Person extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'aboutMe'
  object _aboutMe;

  // JSON name: 'accounts'
  com::google::myservice::Array<PersonAccounts> _accounts;

  // JSON name: 'activities'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _activities;

  // JSON name: 'addresses'
  com::google::myservice::Array<PersonAddresses> _addresses;

  // JSON name: 'anniversary'
  object _anniversary;

  // JSON name: 'birthday'
  object _birthday;

  // JSON name: 'bodyType'
  object _bodyType;

  // JSON name: 'books'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _books;

  // JSON name: 'cars'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _cars;

  // JSON name: 'children'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _children;

  // JSON name: 'connected'
  object _connected;

  // JSON name: 'currentLocation'
  object _currentLocation;

  // JSON name: 'displayName'
  object _displayName;

  // JSON name: 'drinker'
  object _drinker;

  // JSON name: 'emails'
  com::google::myservice::Array<PersonEmails> _emails;

  // JSON name: 'ethnicity'
  object _ethnicity;

  // JSON name: 'fashion'
  object _fashion;

  // JSON name: 'food'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _food;

  // JSON name: 'gender'
  object _gender;

  // JSON name: 'happiestWhen'
  object _happiestWhen;

  // JSON name: 'hasApp'
  object _hasApp;

  // JSON name: 'heroes'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _heroes;

  // JSON name: 'humor'
  object _humor;

  // JSON name: 'id'
  object _id;

  // JSON name: 'ims'
  com::google::myservice::Array<PersonIms> _ims;

  // JSON name: 'interests'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _interests;

  // JSON name: 'jobInterests'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _jobInterests;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  str _kind;

  // JSON name: 'languages'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _languages;

  // JSON name: 'languagesSpoken'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _languagesSpoken;

  // JSON name: 'livingArrangement'
  object _livingArrangement;

  // JSON name: 'lookingFor'
  object _lookingFor;

  // JSON name: 'movies'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _movies;

  // JSON name: 'music'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _music;

  // JSON name: 'name'
  PersonName _name;

  // JSON name: 'nickname'
  object _nickname;

  // JSON name: 'note'
  object _note;

  // JSON name: 'organizations'
  com::google::myservice::Array<PersonOrganizations> _organizations;

  // JSON name: 'pets'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _pets;

  // JSON name: 'phoneNumbers'
  com::google::myservice::Array<PersonPhoneNumbers> _phoneNumbers;

  // JSON name: 'photos'
  com::google::myservice::Array<PersonPhotos> _photos;

  // JSON name: 'politicalViews'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _politicalViews;

  // JSON name: 'preferredUsername'
  object _preferredUsername;

  // JSON name: 'profileSong'
  object _profileSong;

  // JSON name: 'profileUrl'
  object _profileUrl;

  // JSON name: 'profileVideo'
  object _profileVideo;

  // JSON name: 'published'
  str _published;

  // JSON name: 'quotes'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _quotes;

  // JSON name: 'relationshipStatus'
  object _relationshipStatus;

  // JSON name: 'relationships'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _relationships;

  // JSON name: 'religion'
  object _religion;

  // JSON name: 'romance'
  object _romance;

  // JSON name: 'scaredOf'
  object _scaredOf;

  // JSON name: 'sexualOrientation'
  object _sexualOrientation;

  // JSON name: 'smoker'
  object _smoker;

  // JSON name: 'sports'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _sports;

  // JSON name: 'status'
  object _status;

  // JSON name: 'tags'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _tags;

  // JSON name: 'thumbnailUrl'
  object _thumbnailUrl;

  // JSON name: 'turnOffs'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _turnOffs;

  // JSON name: 'turnOns'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _turnOns;

  // JSON name: 'tvShows'
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> _tvShows;

  // JSON name: 'updated'
  str _updated;

  // JSON name: 'urls'
  com::google::myservice::Array<PersonUrls> _urls;

  // JSON name: 'utcOffset'
  object _utcOffset;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getAboutMe() {
    return _aboutMe;
  void setAboutMe(object v) {
    _aboutMe = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<PersonAccounts> getAccounts() {
    return _accounts;
  void setAccounts(com::google::myservice::Array<PersonAccounts> v) {
    _accounts = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getActivities() {
    return _activities;
  void setActivities(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _activities = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<PersonAddresses> getAddresses() {
    return _addresses;
  void setAddresses(com::google::myservice::Array<PersonAddresses> v) {
    _addresses = v;
  object getAnniversary() {
    return _anniversary;
  void setAnniversary(object v) {
    _anniversary = v;
  object getBirthday() {
    return _birthday;
  void setBirthday(object v) {
    _birthday = v;
  object getBodyType() {
    return _bodyType;
  void setBodyType(object v) {
    _bodyType = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getBooks() {
    return _books;
  void setBooks(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _books = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getCars() {
    return _cars;
  void setCars(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _cars = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getChildren() {
    return _children;
  void setChildren(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _children = v;
  object getConnected() {
    return _connected;
  void setConnected(object v) {
    _connected = v;
  object getCurrentLocation() {
    return _currentLocation;
  void setCurrentLocation(object v) {
    _currentLocation = v;
  object getDisplayName() {
    return _displayName;
  void setDisplayName(object v) {
    _displayName = v;
  object getDrinker() {
    return _drinker;
  void setDrinker(object v) {
    _drinker = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<PersonEmails> getEmails() {
    return _emails;
  void setEmails(com::google::myservice::Array<PersonEmails> v) {
    _emails = v;
  object getEthnicity() {
    return _ethnicity;
  void setEthnicity(object v) {
    _ethnicity = v;
  object getFashion() {
    return _fashion;
  void setFashion(object v) {
    _fashion = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getFood() {
    return _food;
  void setFood(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _food = v;
  object getGender() {
    return _gender;
  void setGender(object v) {
    _gender = v;
  object getHappiestWhen() {
    return _happiestWhen;
  void setHappiestWhen(object v) {
    _happiestWhen = v;
  object getHasApp() {
    return _hasApp;
  void setHasApp(object v) {
    _hasApp = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getHeroes() {
    return _heroes;
  void setHeroes(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _heroes = v;
  object getHumor() {
    return _humor;
  void setHumor(object v) {
    _humor = v;
  object getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(object v) {
    _id = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<PersonIms> getIms() {
    return _ims;
  void setIms(com::google::myservice::Array<PersonIms> v) {
    _ims = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getInterests() {
    return _interests;
  void setInterests(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _interests = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getJobInterests() {
    return _jobInterests;
  void setJobInterests(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _jobInterests = v;
  str getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(str v) {
    _kind = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getLanguages() {
    return _languages;
  void setLanguages(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _languages = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getLanguagesSpoken() {
    return _languagesSpoken;
  void setLanguagesSpoken(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _languagesSpoken = v;
  object getLivingArrangement() {
    return _livingArrangement;
  void setLivingArrangement(object v) {
    _livingArrangement = v;
  object getLookingFor() {
    return _lookingFor;
  void setLookingFor(object v) {
    _lookingFor = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getMovies() {
    return _movies;
  void setMovies(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _movies = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getMusic() {
    return _music;
  void setMusic(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _music = v;
  PersonName getName() {
    return _name;
  void setName(PersonName v) {
    _name = v;
  object getNickname() {
    return _nickname;
  void setNickname(object v) {
    _nickname = v;
  object getNote() {
    return _note;
  void setNote(object v) {
    _note = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<PersonOrganizations> getOrganizations() {
    return _organizations;
  void setOrganizations(com::google::myservice::Array<PersonOrganizations> v) {
    _organizations = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getPets() {
    return _pets;
  void setPets(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _pets = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<PersonPhoneNumbers> getPhoneNumbers() {
    return _phoneNumbers;
  void setPhoneNumbers(com::google::myservice::Array<PersonPhoneNumbers> v) {
    _phoneNumbers = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<PersonPhotos> getPhotos() {
    return _photos;
  void setPhotos(com::google::myservice::Array<PersonPhotos> v) {
    _photos = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getPoliticalViews() {
    return _politicalViews;
  void setPoliticalViews(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _politicalViews = v;
  object getPreferredUsername() {
    return _preferredUsername;
  void setPreferredUsername(object v) {
    _preferredUsername = v;
  object getProfileSong() {
    return _profileSong;
  void setProfileSong(object v) {
    _profileSong = v;
  object getProfileUrl() {
    return _profileUrl;
  void setProfileUrl(object v) {
    _profileUrl = v;
  object getProfileVideo() {
    return _profileVideo;
  void setProfileVideo(object v) {
    _profileVideo = v;
  str getPublished() {
    return _published;
  void setPublished(str v) {
    _published = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getQuotes() {
    return _quotes;
  void setQuotes(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _quotes = v;
  object getRelationshipStatus() {
    return _relationshipStatus;
  void setRelationshipStatus(object v) {
    _relationshipStatus = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getRelationships() {
    return _relationships;
  void setRelationships(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _relationships = v;
  object getReligion() {
    return _religion;
  void setReligion(object v) {
    _religion = v;
  object getRomance() {
    return _romance;
  void setRomance(object v) {
    _romance = v;
  object getScaredOf() {
    return _scaredOf;
  void setScaredOf(object v) {
    _scaredOf = v;
  object getSexualOrientation() {
    return _sexualOrientation;
  void setSexualOrientation(object v) {
    _sexualOrientation = v;
  object getSmoker() {
    return _smoker;
  void setSmoker(object v) {
    _smoker = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getSports() {
    return _sports;
  void setSports(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _sports = v;
  object getStatus() {
    return _status;
  void setStatus(object v) {
    _status = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getTags() {
    return _tags;
  void setTags(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _tags = v;
  object getThumbnailUrl() {
    return _thumbnailUrl;
  void setThumbnailUrl(object v) {
    _thumbnailUrl = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getTurnOffs() {
    return _turnOffs;
  void setTurnOffs(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _turnOffs = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getTurnOns() {
    return _turnOns;
  void setTurnOns(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _turnOns = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<object> getTvShows() {
    return _tvShows;
  void setTvShows(com::google::myservice::Array<object> v) {
    _tvShows = v;
  str getUpdated() {
    return _updated;
  void setUpdated(str v) {
    _updated = v;
  com::google::myservice::Array<PersonUrls> getUrls() {
    return _urls;
  void setUrls(com::google::myservice::Array<PersonUrls> v) {
    _urls = v;
  object getUtcOffset() {
    return _utcOffset;
  void setUtcOffset(object v) {
    _utcOffset = v;

  """Schema Person.PersonAccounts { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
  class PersonAccounts extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'domain'
    object _domain;

    // JSON name: 'userid'
    object _userid;

    // JSON name: 'username'
    object _username;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getDomain() {
      return _domain;
    void setDomain(object v) {
      _domain = v;
    object getUserid() {
      return _userid;
    void setUserid(object v) {
      _userid = v;
    object getUsername() {
      return _username;
    void setUsername(object v) {
      _username = v;


  """Schema Person.PersonAddresses { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
  class PersonAddresses extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'country'
    object _country;

    // JSON name: 'formatted'
    object _formatted;

    // JSON name: 'locality'
    object _locality;

    // JSON name: 'postalCode'
    object _postalCode;

    // JSON name: 'primary'
    object _primary;

    // JSON name: 'region'
    object _region;

    // JSON name: 'streetAddress'
    object _streetAddress;

    // JSON name: 'type'
    object _type;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getCountry() {
      return _country;
    void setCountry(object v) {
      _country = v;
    object getFormatted() {
      return _formatted;
    void setFormatted(object v) {
      _formatted = v;
    object getLocality() {
      return _locality;
    void setLocality(object v) {
      _locality = v;
    object getPostalCode() {
      return _postalCode;
    void setPostalCode(object v) {
      _postalCode = v;
    object getPrimary() {
      return _primary;
    void setPrimary(object v) {
      _primary = v;
    object getRegion() {
      return _region;
    void setRegion(object v) {
      _region = v;
    object getStreetAddress() {
      return _streetAddress;
    void setStreetAddress(object v) {
      _streetAddress = v;
    object getType() {
      return _type;
    void setType(object v) {
      _type = v;


  """Schema Person.PersonEmails { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
  class PersonEmails extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'primary'
    object _primary;

    // JSON name: 'type'
    object _type;

    // JSON name: 'value'
    object _value;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getPrimary() {
      return _primary;
    void setPrimary(object v) {
      _primary = v;
    object getType() {
      return _type;
    void setType(object v) {
      _type = v;
    object getValue() {
      return _value;
    void setValue(object v) {
      _value = v;


  """Schema Person.PersonIms { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
  class PersonIms extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'primary'
    object _primary;

    // JSON name: 'type'
    object _type;

    // JSON name: 'value'
    object _value;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getPrimary() {
      return _primary;
    void setPrimary(object v) {
      _primary = v;
    object getType() {
      return _type;
    void setType(object v) {
      _type = v;
    object getValue() {
      return _value;
    void setValue(object v) {
      _value = v;


  """Schema Person.PersonName { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
  class PersonName extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'familyName'
    object _familyName;

    // JSON name: 'formatted'
    object _formatted;

    // JSON name: 'givenName'
    object _givenName;

    // JSON name: 'honorificPrefix'
    object _honorificPrefix;

    // JSON name: 'honorificSuffix'
    object _honorificSuffix;

    // JSON name: 'middleName'
    object _middleName;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getFamilyName() {
      return _familyName;
    void setFamilyName(object v) {
      _familyName = v;
    object getFormatted() {
      return _formatted;
    void setFormatted(object v) {
      _formatted = v;
    object getGivenName() {
      return _givenName;
    void setGivenName(object v) {
      _givenName = v;
    object getHonorificPrefix() {
      return _honorificPrefix;
    void setHonorificPrefix(object v) {
      _honorificPrefix = v;
    object getHonorificSuffix() {
      return _honorificSuffix;
    void setHonorificSuffix(object v) {
      _honorificSuffix = v;
    object getMiddleName() {
      return _middleName;
    void setMiddleName(object v) {
      _middleName = v;


  """Schema Person.PersonOrganizations { model.description }} <p> Your
  """explanation here.
  class PersonOrganizations extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'department'
    object _department;

    // JSON name: 'description'
    object _description;

    // JSON name: 'endDate'
    object _endDate;

    // JSON name: 'location'
    object _location;

    // JSON name: 'name'
    object _name;

    // JSON name: 'primary'
    object _primary;

    // JSON name: 'startDate'
    object _startDate;

    // JSON name: 'title'
    object _title;

    // JSON name: 'type'
    object _type;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getDepartment() {
      return _department;
    void setDepartment(object v) {
      _department = v;
    object getDescription() {
      return _description;
    void setDescription(object v) {
      _description = v;
    object getEndDate() {
      return _endDate;
    void setEndDate(object v) {
      _endDate = v;
    object getLocation() {
      return _location;
    void setLocation(object v) {
      _location = v;
    object getName() {
      return _name;
    void setName(object v) {
      _name = v;
    object getPrimary() {
      return _primary;
    void setPrimary(object v) {
      _primary = v;
    object getStartDate() {
      return _startDate;
    void setStartDate(object v) {
      _startDate = v;
    object getTitle() {
      return _title;
    void setTitle(object v) {
      _title = v;
    object getType() {
      return _type;
    void setType(object v) {
      _type = v;


  """Schema Person.PersonPhoneNumbers { model.description }} <p> Your
  """explanation here.
  class PersonPhoneNumbers extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'primary'
    object _primary;

    // JSON name: 'type'
    object _type;

    // JSON name: 'value'
    object _value;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getPrimary() {
      return _primary;
    void setPrimary(object v) {
      _primary = v;
    object getType() {
      return _type;
    void setType(object v) {
      _type = v;
    object getValue() {
      return _value;
    void setValue(object v) {
      _value = v;


  """Schema Person.PersonPhotos { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
  class PersonPhotos extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'height'
    object _height;

    // JSON name: 'primary'
    object _primary;

    // JSON name: 'type'
    object _type;

    // JSON name: 'value'
    object _value;

    // JSON name: 'width'
    object _width;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getHeight() {
      return _height;
    void setHeight(object v) {
      _height = v;
    object getPrimary() {
      return _primary;
    void setPrimary(object v) {
      _primary = v;
    object getType() {
      return _type;
    void setType(object v) {
      _type = v;
    object getValue() {
      return _value;
    void setValue(object v) {
      _value = v;
    object getWidth() {
      return _width;
    void setWidth(object v) {
      _width = v;


  """Schema Person.PersonUrls { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
  class PersonUrls extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'primary'
    object _primary;

    // JSON name: 'type'
    object _type;

    // JSON name: 'value'
    object _value;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getPrimary() {
      return _primary;
    void setPrimary(object v) {
      _primary = v;
    object getType() {
      return _type;
    void setType(object v) {
      _type = v;
    object getValue() {
      return _value;
    void setValue(object v) {
      _value = v;



"""Schema Person.PersonAccounts { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
class PersonAccounts extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'domain'
  object _domain;

  // JSON name: 'userid'
  object _userid;

  // JSON name: 'username'
  object _username;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getDomain() {
    return _domain;
  void setDomain(object v) {
    _domain = v;
  object getUserid() {
    return _userid;
  void setUserid(object v) {
    _userid = v;
  object getUsername() {
    return _username;
  void setUsername(object v) {
    _username = v;


"""Schema Person.PersonAddresses { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
class PersonAddresses extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'country'
  object _country;

  // JSON name: 'formatted'
  object _formatted;

  // JSON name: 'locality'
  object _locality;

  // JSON name: 'postalCode'
  object _postalCode;

  // JSON name: 'primary'
  object _primary;

  // JSON name: 'region'
  object _region;

  // JSON name: 'streetAddress'
  object _streetAddress;

  // JSON name: 'type'
  object _type;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getCountry() {
    return _country;
  void setCountry(object v) {
    _country = v;
  object getFormatted() {
    return _formatted;
  void setFormatted(object v) {
    _formatted = v;
  object getLocality() {
    return _locality;
  void setLocality(object v) {
    _locality = v;
  object getPostalCode() {
    return _postalCode;
  void setPostalCode(object v) {
    _postalCode = v;
  object getPrimary() {
    return _primary;
  void setPrimary(object v) {
    _primary = v;
  object getRegion() {
    return _region;
  void setRegion(object v) {
    _region = v;
  object getStreetAddress() {
    return _streetAddress;
  void setStreetAddress(object v) {
    _streetAddress = v;
  object getType() {
    return _type;
  void setType(object v) {
    _type = v;


"""Schema Person.PersonEmails { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class PersonEmails extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'primary'
  object _primary;

  // JSON name: 'type'
  object _type;

  // JSON name: 'value'
  object _value;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getPrimary() {
    return _primary;
  void setPrimary(object v) {
    _primary = v;
  object getType() {
    return _type;
  void setType(object v) {
    _type = v;
  object getValue() {
    return _value;
  void setValue(object v) {
    _value = v;


"""Schema Person.PersonIms { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class PersonIms extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'primary'
  object _primary;

  // JSON name: 'type'
  object _type;

  // JSON name: 'value'
  object _value;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getPrimary() {
    return _primary;
  void setPrimary(object v) {
    _primary = v;
  object getType() {
    return _type;
  void setType(object v) {
    _type = v;
  object getValue() {
    return _value;
  void setValue(object v) {
    _value = v;


"""Schema Person.PersonName { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class PersonName extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'familyName'
  object _familyName;

  // JSON name: 'formatted'
  object _formatted;

  // JSON name: 'givenName'
  object _givenName;

  // JSON name: 'honorificPrefix'
  object _honorificPrefix;

  // JSON name: 'honorificSuffix'
  object _honorificSuffix;

  // JSON name: 'middleName'
  object _middleName;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getFamilyName() {
    return _familyName;
  void setFamilyName(object v) {
    _familyName = v;
  object getFormatted() {
    return _formatted;
  void setFormatted(object v) {
    _formatted = v;
  object getGivenName() {
    return _givenName;
  void setGivenName(object v) {
    _givenName = v;
  object getHonorificPrefix() {
    return _honorificPrefix;
  void setHonorificPrefix(object v) {
    _honorificPrefix = v;
  object getHonorificSuffix() {
    return _honorificSuffix;
  void setHonorificSuffix(object v) {
    _honorificSuffix = v;
  object getMiddleName() {
    return _middleName;
  void setMiddleName(object v) {
    _middleName = v;


"""Schema Person.PersonOrganizations { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
class PersonOrganizations extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'department'
  object _department;

  // JSON name: 'description'
  object _description;

  // JSON name: 'endDate'
  object _endDate;

  // JSON name: 'location'
  object _location;

  // JSON name: 'name'
  object _name;

  // JSON name: 'primary'
  object _primary;

  // JSON name: 'startDate'
  object _startDate;

  // JSON name: 'title'
  object _title;

  // JSON name: 'type'
  object _type;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getDepartment() {
    return _department;
  void setDepartment(object v) {
    _department = v;
  object getDescription() {
    return _description;
  void setDescription(object v) {
    _description = v;
  object getEndDate() {
    return _endDate;
  void setEndDate(object v) {
    _endDate = v;
  object getLocation() {
    return _location;
  void setLocation(object v) {
    _location = v;
  object getName() {
    return _name;
  void setName(object v) {
    _name = v;
  object getPrimary() {
    return _primary;
  void setPrimary(object v) {
    _primary = v;
  object getStartDate() {
    return _startDate;
  void setStartDate(object v) {
    _startDate = v;
  object getTitle() {
    return _title;
  void setTitle(object v) {
    _title = v;
  object getType() {
    return _type;
  void setType(object v) {
    _type = v;


"""Schema Person.PersonPhoneNumbers { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
class PersonPhoneNumbers extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'primary'
  object _primary;

  // JSON name: 'type'
  object _type;

  // JSON name: 'value'
  object _value;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getPrimary() {
    return _primary;
  void setPrimary(object v) {
    _primary = v;
  object getType() {
    return _type;
  void setType(object v) {
    _type = v;
  object getValue() {
    return _value;
  void setValue(object v) {
    _value = v;


"""Schema Person.PersonPhotos { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class PersonPhotos extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'height'
  object _height;

  // JSON name: 'primary'
  object _primary;

  // JSON name: 'type'
  object _type;

  // JSON name: 'value'
  object _value;

  // JSON name: 'width'
  object _width;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getHeight() {
    return _height;
  void setHeight(object v) {
    _height = v;
  object getPrimary() {
    return _primary;
  void setPrimary(object v) {
    _primary = v;
  object getType() {
    return _type;
  void setType(object v) {
    _type = v;
  object getValue() {
    return _value;
  void setValue(object v) {
    _value = v;
  object getWidth() {
    return _width;
  void setWidth(object v) {
    _width = v;


"""Schema Person.PersonUrls { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class PersonUrls extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'primary'
  object _primary;

  // JSON name: 'type'
  object _type;

  // JSON name: 'value'
  object _value;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getPrimary() {
    return _primary;
  void setPrimary(object v) {
    _primary = v;
  object getType() {
    return _type;
  void setType(object v) {
    _type = v;
  object getValue() {
    return _value;
  void setValue(object v) {
    _value = v;


"""Schema .PhotosFeed { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class PhotosFeed extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'items'
  com::google::myservice::Array<ChiliPhotosResourceJson> _items;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  str _kind;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  com::google::myservice::Array<ChiliPhotosResourceJson> getItems() {
    return _items;
  void setItems(com::google::myservice::Array<ChiliPhotosResourceJson> v) {
    _items = v;
  str getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(str v) {
    _kind = v;


"""Schema .RelatedFeed { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class RelatedFeed extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'id'
  object _id;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  str _kind;

  // JSON name: 'links'
  Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<RelatedFeedLinksItemElement>> _links;

  // JSON name: 'title'
  object _title;

  // JSON name: 'updated'
  str _updated;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getId() {
    return _id;
  void setId(object v) {
    _id = v;
  str getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(str v) {
    _kind = v;
  Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<RelatedFeedLinksItemElement>> getLinks() {
    return _links;
  void setLinks(Map<string, com::google::myservice::Array<RelatedFeedLinksItemElement>> v) {
    _links = v;
  object getTitle() {
    return _title;
  void setTitle(object v) {
    _title = v;
  str getUpdated() {
    return _updated;
  void setUpdated(str v) {
    _updated = v;

  """Schema RelatedFeed.RelatedFeedLinksItemElement { model.description }} <p>
  """Your explanation here.
  class RelatedFeedLinksItemElement extends SomeBaseModelClass {

    // JSON name: 'count'
    object _count;

    // JSON name: 'height'
    object _height;

    // JSON name: 'href'
    object _href;

    // JSON name: 'title'
    object _title;

    // JSON name: 'type'
    object _type;

    // JSON name: 'updated'
    str _updated;

    // JSON name: 'width'
    object _width;

    // Getters and setters might go here
    object getCount() {
      return _count;
    void setCount(object v) {
      _count = v;
    object getHeight() {
      return _height;
    void setHeight(object v) {
      _height = v;
    object getHref() {
      return _href;
    void setHref(object v) {
      _href = v;
    object getTitle() {
      return _title;
    void setTitle(object v) {
      _title = v;
    object getType() {
      return _type;
    void setType(object v) {
      _type = v;
    str getUpdated() {
      return _updated;
    void setUpdated(str v) {
      _updated = v;
    object getWidth() {
      return _width;
    void setWidth(object v) {
      _width = v;



"""Schema RelatedFeed.RelatedFeedLinksItemElement { model.description }} <p>
"""Your explanation here.
class RelatedFeedLinksItemElement extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'count'
  object _count;

  // JSON name: 'height'
  object _height;

  // JSON name: 'href'
  object _href;

  // JSON name: 'title'
  object _title;

  // JSON name: 'type'
  object _type;

  // JSON name: 'updated'
  str _updated;

  // JSON name: 'width'
  object _width;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  object getCount() {
    return _count;
  void setCount(object v) {
    _count = v;
  object getHeight() {
    return _height;
  void setHeight(object v) {
    _height = v;
  object getHref() {
    return _href;
  void setHref(object v) {
    _href = v;
  object getTitle() {
    return _title;
  void setTitle(object v) {
    _title = v;
  object getType() {
    return _type;
  void setType(object v) {
    _type = v;
  str getUpdated() {
    return _updated;
  void setUpdated(str v) {
    _updated = v;
  object getWidth() {
    return _width;
  void setWidth(object v) {
    _width = v;


"""Schema .StarredEntityFeed { model.description }} <p> Your explanation here.
class StarredEntityFeed extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'entry'
  com::google::myservice::Array<Entity> _entry;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  str _kind;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  com::google::myservice::Array<Entity> getEntry() {
    return _entry;
  void setEntry(com::google::myservice::Array<Entity> v) {
    _entry = v;
  str getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(str v) {
    _kind = v;


"""Schema .StarredEntityFeedForUser { model.description }} <p> Your explanation
class StarredEntityFeedForUser extends SomeBaseModelClass {

  // JSON name: 'entry'
  com::google::myservice::Array<Entity> _entry;

  // JSON name: 'itemsPerPage'
  object _itemsPerPage;

  // JSON name: 'kind'
  str _kind;

  // JSON name: 'startIndex'
  object _startIndex;

  // JSON name: 'totalResults'
  object _totalResults;

  // Getters and setters might go here
  com::google::myservice::Array<Entity> getEntry() {
    return _entry;
  void setEntry(com::google::myservice::Array<Entity> v) {
    _entry = v;
  object getItemsPerPage() {
    return _itemsPerPage;
  void setItemsPerPage(object v) {
    _itemsPerPage = v;
  str getKind() {
    return _kind;
  void setKind(str v) {
    _kind = v;
  object getStartIndex() {
    return _startIndex;
  void setStartIndex(object v) {
    _startIndex = v;
  object getTotalResults() {
    return _totalResults;
  void setTotalResults(object v) {
    _totalResults = v;
