@extends('admin.layouts.master') @section('title','Edit Coupon - '.$coupan->coupanno) @section('maincontent') @include('admin.layouts.topbar',$data)
{{ __('Edit Coupon') }}
{{ __('Back') }}
@csrf {{ method_field('PUT') }}
{{ __('Coupon Code') }}:
{{ __('Discount Type') }}:
distype == 'fix' ? 'selected' : '' }} value="fix"> {{ __('FixAmount') }}
distype == 'per' ? 'selected' : '' }} value="per">% {{ __('Percentage') }}
{{ __('Amount') }}:
{{ __('Linked To') }}:
link_by == 'course' ? 'selected' : '' }} value="course"> {{ __('Link to Course') }}
link_by == 'cart' ? 'selected' : '' }} value="cart"> {{ __('Link to Cart') }}
link_by == 'category' ? 'selected' : '' }} value="category"> {{ __('Link to Category') }}
link_by == 'bundle' ? 'selected' : '' }} value="bundle"> {{ __('Link to Bundle') }}
{{ __('Coupon Code Display on Front') }}:
show_to_users=="1" ? 'checked' : '' }} />
({{ __('If Choose Yes then Coupon Code shows to all users') }})
{{ __('Select Course') }}:
{{ __('Select an Option') }}
@foreach (App\Course::where('status', '1')->get() as $product) @if ($product->type == 1)
course_id == $product->id ? 'selected' : '' }} value="{{ $product->id }}">{{ $product['title'] }} - {{ $product->discount_price }}{{ $currency->currency }}
@endif @endforeach
{{ __('Select Bundle') }}:
{{ __('Select an Option') }}
@foreach (App\BundleCourse::where('status', '1')->get() as $product) @if ($product->type == 1)
bundle_id == $product->id ? 'selected' : '' }} value="{{ $product->id }}">{{ $product['title'] }} @isset($product->billing_interval) - {{ $product->discount_price }} {{ $currency->currency }} / {{ $product->billing_interval }} @endisset()
@endif @endforeach
{{ __('Select Categories') }}:
{{ __('SelectanOption') }}
@foreach (App\Categories::where('status', '1')->get() as $category)
category_id == $category->id ? 'selected' : '' }} value="{{ $category->id }}">{{ $category['title'] }}
{{ __('Max Usage Limit') }}:
{{ __('Min Amount') }}:
{{ __('Expiry Date') }}:
{{ __('Reset') }}
{{ __('Update') }}
@endsection @section('scripts') @endsection